
The Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) is the degree of choice for innovative thinkers with exceptional scientific knowledge and skills. This is a program designed for talented students and offers the flexibility to tailor the degree in a way that works for them. The degree offers students access to advanced … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Outcomes

Apply, integrate and generate advanced knowledge in both a specialist scientific domain and professional contexts
Connect high level conceptual and technical skills including programming languages to identify, analyse and to complex problems – both local and global
Critically evaluate information to design scientific investigations
Conduct sustained, independent investigations in a specialist research area in the pursuit of new knowledge.
Analyse original research data applying appropriate evaluative methods
Communicate professional and complex disciplinary information and ideas effectively and persuasively to a variety of audiences using a range of methods
Work independently, and collaboratively integrating diverse perspectives and ideas to deliver novel research outcomes
Demonstrate responsible professional practice, underpinned by ethical, social and sustainability considerations

Program Structure

Students must complete 192 UOC when taken as a standalone program.

Students in the Advanced Science (Honours) program are expected to complete the following requirements.

144 UOC of Science courses:
- At least one approved Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) major
- SCIF1001 and SCIF2001
- 48 UOC Honours year
- Science elective courses. Science courses are defined in "Table 1" in the Additional Information section.

36 UOC Free Electives. These courses can be taken from any Faculty of the University at any stage of your program.
12 UOC General Education courses. Please see the rules regarding General Education below. These courses can be taken at any stage in your program.

Please click the Sample Programs link below to view a typical enrolment pattern for this program.

Disciplinary Component144 Units of Credit:
General Education12 Units of Credit:
Excluded General Education Courses
Free Electives
Course Information Rule

Program Constraints

Maturity Rule

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

Limitations on Recognition of Prior Learning

Special Admission Requirements


Program Requirements

Progression Requirements

Progression to Stage 4 (the honours year) of this program is subject to academic performance. 

Where students successfully complete a total of 144 UoC and all the requirements of the first three stages of the program, including Level I/II/III, major, and general education requirements, they can apply for entry into the Stage 4 honours component. Entry criteria for honours in each School can be found here https://www.science.unsw.edu.au/study-us/undergraduate/honours-degrees/honours-how-apply 

If a student is not permitted to progress in the Advanced Science (Honours) they will be required to transfer to, and graduate from, program 3970 Bachelor of Science. Students should be aware that not all Advanced Science (Honours) majors are available in 3970, meaning that graduation in 3970 may occur in a less specialised major. Entry to Honours may still be possible by application to enter program 4500 Bachelor of Science (Honours).  

Students enrolled in the Advanced Science (Honours) program who wish to take out the Bachelor of Science award at pass level without proceeding to Honours, are required to transfer to the Science program (3970). Applications to transfer should be lodged with Science Student Services no later than the census date for the term in which the student expects to satisfy requirements. Students applying after that date may not be able to graduate in the next round of ceremonies.

For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression

Associated Programs

Similar Program

Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) - BBiotech(Hons)3053 - Biotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) - BPsych(Hons)3632 - Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Science and Business - BSc&Bus3925 - Science and Business
Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) - BSc(AdvMath)(Hons)3956 - Advanced Mathematics (Honours)
Bachelor of Science - BSc3970 - Science
Bachelor of Science (International) - BSc(International)3987 - Science (International)

Related Double Degree

Bachelor of Economics - BEc
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
3566 - Economics / Advanced Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
3593 - Commerce / Advanced Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
3762 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3782 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Computer Science
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Fine Arts - BFA
3922 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Fine Arts
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Sciences - BSocSci
3924 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Social Sciences
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
3948 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Arts
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Laws - LLB
3997 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Law

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Honours Classes

Additional Information

University Medal

Nominees for the University Medal will be determined by Schools within the Faculty of Science in accordance with UNSW University Medal policies and procedures.

Definition of 'Science' courses

Courses that are classified as 'Science' can be found under Table 1 on the Science Terminology page.

Talented Students' Program and Accelerated Progression

The Science Talented Students' Program (TSP) introduces high performing students - entering the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - to the Faculty of Science and helps them develop specific skills during their degree. The program offers these students exposure to research within the Faculty and provides a degree that is flexible and tailored to suit students' needs and talents.

Invitation to participate in the TSP is made by the Dean of Science on the basis of superior secondary education performance (ATAR or equivalent), all incoming students are assessed for eligibility including non-high school leavers. High performing current UNSW Science students, in the BSc or BAdvSci(Hons), will be invited to join at the end of their first year. Contact the Science Student Centre for more details.

Faculty of Science Rules

The Faculty of Science has some rules that relate to all students enrolled in programs offered by the Faculty in relation to recognition for prior learning, general education, course exclusions, study load, and cross-institutional study. All students should read the information contained on the Faculty General Rules and Requirements page.

Science Handbook Rules and Editions

Students must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year they commence their studies with the Faculty of Science.

Students who transfer from another UNSW Faculty into Science (for example, from a Bachelor of Arts into a Bachelor of Science) must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year of their transfer.

Students, who are readmitted to UNSW after a period of unapproved absence or deferment, or after exclusion, must satisfy the program rules in the Handbook published in the year of their readmission. In addition, these students may be subject to restrictions on which courses taken at UNSW may be counted on their return. In some cases, students returning from an unapproved absence may be required to repeat courses. See the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Advanced Standing sections above for more details. Students who take approved leave or deferment will follow the Handbook for the year of their original commencement unless otherwise approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs). 

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)