
This program structure applies to students commencing from 2020. If you commenced prior to 2020 please consult the Handbook for the year in which you started. The BInSt BMedia(PR&A) provides an opportunity for students to undertake the courses required for the Bachelor of International Studies program, including an approved minor … For more content click the Read More button below. The Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) component is structured to offer a philosophical and cultural foundation in the media studies core as well as conceptual and practical skills in public relations and advertising. This double degree provides graduates with great opportunities to work across a wide range of communication disciplines and fields.

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure
240 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 240 UOC.

Bachelor of International Studies (144 UOC)
1. International Studies core (24 UOC)
2. Regional Electives (12 UOC)
3. Specialist Elective (12 UOC)
4. Language Study core (24 UOC)
5. A minor stream (24 UOC)
6. Overseas Study Program (48 UOC)

Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) (96 UOC)
1. PR and Advertising core and prescribed electives (60 UOC)
2. Media Studies prescribed electives (36 UOC)

  • 3577 - International Studies / Media (Public Relations and Advertising)
  • 3447 - International Studies
  • 3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Specialisation Requirement
3447 - International Studies

You must complete a 24 UOC minor.

NOTE 1: If you are undertaking the Asian Studies minor you must complete a sequence of 24 UOC in an Asian language. If you are undertaking the European Studies minor you must complete a sequence of 24 UOC in a European language.

NOTE 2: If you are enrolled in a BInSt/Media double degree, you have the option of undertaking a major in International Business by completing three International Business approved electives (18UOC or equivalent) as part of their Overseas Study Program (OSP).

NOTE 3: Courses that form part of your minor may not be double counted towards the Regional and Specialist components of the program.

NOTE 4: If you complete a minor in a language you must complete that study in a Language other than that which you choose for the Language Study Core requirement.

NOTE 5: If you are undertaking a minor in International Business you will complete 12 UOC in Regional and 6 UOC in Specialist rather than 24 UOC

Level 1 Core Courses
3447 - International Studies

Level 2 Core Courses
3447 - International Studies

You must complete 6 UOC of the following courses:

Level 3 Core Courses
3447 - International Studies

You must complete 6 UOC of the following courses:

Overseas Study Program
3447 - International Studies

You must take 48 UOC of the following courses:

- EXCH8035 Individual Study Program (18 UOC)
- EXCH8034 Individual Study Program (12 UOC)

If you commence the Overseas Study Program in T1 you will enrol in EXCH8035 Individual Study Program (18 UOC) in T1 and T2 and EXCH8034 Individual Study Program (12 UOC) in T3.

You must undertake OSP during Year 3.

Level 1 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 2 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 3 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Language Study Core Courses - Greek
3447 - International Studies

If you select Greek for your Language Study Core, you must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

The following courses are taught at UNSW. Intermediate and Senior Italian language courses are studied cross-institutionally at the University of Sydney.

Language Study Core Courses - Indonesian
3447 - International Studies

If you select Indonesian for your Language Study Core, you must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

The following courses are taught at UNSW. Introductory and Intermediate Indonesian language courses are studied cross-institutionally at the University of Sydney.

For more information, refer to the Indonesian Studies minor in the Bachelor of Arts.

Language Study Core Courses - Italian
3447 - International Studies

If you select Italian for your Language Study Core, you must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

The following courses are taught at UNSW. Intermediate and Senior Italian language courses are studied cross-institutionally at the University of Sydney.

For more information, refer to the Italian Studies minor in the Bachelor of Arts.

Regional Electives - Europe
3447 - International Studies

You must complete 12 UOC of Regional Electives consisting of one course that focuses on contemporary developments and one that focuses on historical trajectories in the region. If you wish to focus on Europe you may take 12 UOC of the following courses:

Regional Electives - The Americas
3447 - International Studies

You must complete 12 UOC of Regional Electives consisting of one course that focuses on contemporary developments and one that focuses on historical trajectories in the region. If you wish to focus on The Americas you may take 12 UOC of the following courses:

Specialist Electives
3447 - International Studies

You must complete 12 UOC of the following courses:

Level 1 Media Prescribed Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Language Study Core Courses
3447 - International Studies

In order to gain essential skills to equip you to work in a global environment, and to be eligible to study in a second language on your Overseas Study Program (OSP), you must complete 24 UOC from the same language and attain a minimum of Intermediate B level of proficiency … For more content click the Read More button below.

Maturity Requirements
3447 - International Studies

You must have completed 24 UOC of Level 1 courses before taking any Level 2 courses.You must have completed 48 UOC (including 6 UOC at Level 1 and 6 UOC at Level 2 in their minor) before taking any Level 3 courses.

Specialisation Declaration
3447 - International Studies

You must specify your minor (or major) at the time of enrolment into the program.

Maturity Requirements
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

You must have completed 24 UOC before taking any Level 2 courses.

You must have completed 66 UOC before taking any Level 3 courses.

Additional Information

Bachelor of International Studies - Language Minor
Completion of 24 uoc in Language Study courses will automatically confer a minor at the time of graduation.

Further Information
Contact the UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Student Centre for advice.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)