
Spanish is the language of over four hundred million people. It is spoken officially in 23 countries and it is the second language of the United States, where there are some 45 million Spanish speakers. Spanish is also one of the four major languages of the European Union alongside English, … For more content click the Read More button below. This course is a beginners-level language course. All students who have had some experience with the language, either as a heritage language or through previous instruction, must fill in the placement questionnaire available at https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/hal/study-us/resources-support/language-placements. You will not be permitted to enrol in a language course that is too easy for you. If this occurs, you will be requested to change your enrolment.

Course Outline

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Additional Information

This course is offered as General Education.

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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