
The Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) (B Com B Media(PR and Advertising)) is a 4 year dual award program which combines a highly valued business qualification with a program which aims to develop communication leaders who inspire innovation and change at all levels of society and who … For more content click the Read More button below. The B Com component provides students with the fundamentals of business and the opportunity to explore their interests in one of a range of business disciplines. The B Media (Communication & Journalism) component is structured to offer a philosophical and cultural foundation in the media studies core as well as conceptual and practical skills in communication and journalism. It is assumed that students have a certain level of knowledge in advanced mathematics in order to cope well with the mathematical or statistical component of a business degree. If you are successful in obtaining a place without this assumed knowledge, you are strongly encouraged to consider studying a Mathematics Bridging Course before starting your degree. This double degree provides graduates with great opportunities to work across a wide range of communication disciplines and fields.

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure
192 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 192 UOC.

Bachelor of Commerce (96 UOC)
1. Compulsory core courses (24 UOC)
2. Flexible core courses (24 UOC)
3. Major requirements (48 UOC)

Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) (96 UOC)
1. PR and Advertising core and prescribed electives (60 UOC)
2. Media Studies prescribed electives (36 UOC)

  • 3596 - Commerce / Media (Public Relations and Advertising)
  • 3502 - Commerce
  • 3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Business Majors
3502 - Commerce

Major Requirements: 48 UOC in an approved disciplinary stream containing at least 18 UOC at level 3. (Note that the 48 UOC includes the first disciplinary course(s) in the Core (Compulsory or Flexible). This means that, for the majority of majors, students will complete 42 UOC in specified disciplinary courses outside the core, (except for the Real Estate Studies major).

Please Note:
-The Business Law major (TABLA1) is not available to students enrolled in 4733 Commerce/Law.
- Commerce/Education (secondary) 3462 students can only choose one major from:
(a) Business Economics
(b) Financial Economics
(c) Business Strategy and Economic Management
(d) Accounting (students who wish to meet CPA/CAANZ professional recognition requirements in this major will need to complete an additional Upper Level Economics elective above what is required within the commerce component)

Business Core Courses
3502 - Commerce

Students must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

Please Note:
- Students in program Engineering, Advanced Mathematics, Science, Advanced Science and Computer Science combined with Commerce are not required to take ECON1203, as the requirements are being fulfilled by MATH courses within the non-commerce side of these programs. Hence students must complete another 6 UOC of UNSW Business School electives to fulfil the requirement for 96 UOC of UNSW Business School courses within this double degree.
- Students should select the MATH or PSYC course required for their Science major. If a Science major does not require a MATH or PSYC course (for example the Pathology and Vision Science majors) or if the Science major does not require one of the statistics courses listed above, students should complete ECON1203. MATH and PSYC count towards Science and ECON1203 count towards Commerce. If you have completed a Science course that excludes ECON1203, then you will need to study another 6UOC of UNSW Business School elective in order to meet the 96UOC from the Business School requirement.

Level 1 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 2 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 3 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Flexible Core Courses
3502 - Commerce

Student must take at least 24 UOC of the following courses.

Please note:
- Commerce/Law 4733 student are not permitted to take TABL1710. Please choose another flexible core.
- Commerce/Media (PR and Advertising) 3559, MARK1012 is a shared course between B com and B media, by default, MARK1012 will always count towards the Commerce component and students will need to complete another Media elective to make up the required UOC for the Media component study.

Level 1 Media Prescribed Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Business Free Electives
3502 - Commerce

Student must complete 6 - 18UOC Business free electives dependant on their major to meet minimum 96 UOC Commerce program requirement.

Maximum Level 1 UOC
3502 - Commerce

Students may complete up to a maximum of 60 UOC of level 1 courses for the Commerce component of the double degree.

Minimum Faculty UOC
3502 - Commerce

Students must complete a minimum of 96 UOC of the following courses.

3502 - Commerce

Student must have completed 24 UOC before taking any level 2 courses.
Student must have completed 48 UOC before taking any level 3 courses.

Maturity Requirements
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

You must have completed 24 UOC before taking any Level 2 courses.

You must have completed 66 UOC before taking any Level 3 courses.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

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