
This program structure applies to students commencing from 2020. If you commenced prior to 2020 please consult the Handbook for the year in which you started. The Bachelor of Music (Honours) is specifically for high-achieving students already admitted to the Bachelor of Music program. It allows Bachelor of Music students … For more content click the Read More button below. An Advanced Entry Scheme is available to suitably qualified applicants. Students admitted into the advanced entry scheme may receive a block credit of up to 36 UOC in Level 1 music courses. The first three years of the Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music (Honours) are common to both degrees. Before transferring to the Bachelor of Music (Honours) students must successfully complete all core and stream requirements for levels 1-3 of the Bachelor of Music and attain a minimum WAM of 70 in Music courses. Students undertaking the Bachelor of Music (Honours) in Dual mode must complete all core and stream requirements for levels 1-3 (96 UOC) of the Bachelor of Music before proceeding to level 4. The Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) component is structured to offer a philosophical and cultural foundation in the media studies core as well as conceptual and practical skills in public relations and advertising. This double degree provides graduates with great opportunities to work across a wide range of communication disciplines and fields.

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure
240 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 240 UOC.

Bachelor of Music (Honours) (144 UOC)
1. Musicology Core (30 UOC)
2. Musicianship Core (24 UOC)
3. Performance Laboratory Core (36 UOC)
4. Stream Gateway Course (6 UOC)
5. Stream Courses (12 UOC)
6. Research thesis and/or Creative Practice Project (36 UOC)

Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) (96 UOC)
1. PR and Advertising core and prescribed electives (60 UOC)
2. Media Studies prescribed electives (36 UOC)

  • 3579 - Music (Honours) / Media (Public Relations and Advertising)
  • 3440 - Music (Honours)
  • 3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Specialisation Requirements
3440 - Music (Honours)

Level 1 Core Courses
3440 - Music (Honours)

Level 2 Core Courses
3440 - Music (Honours)

Level 3 Core Courses
3440 - Music (Honours)

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.
*Note: MUSC3706 Performance Lab C (12 UOC) (Music Creative Practice and Music Pedagogy Majors only)
Performance Lab courses MUSC3705 & MUSC3706 (12 UOC) are multi-term courses taught at 4 UOC each term.

Level 4 Core Courses
3440 - Music (Honours)

Level 4 Research Project
3440 - Music (Honours)

You must complete either 24 UOC in creative practice-based project and 12 UOC in thesis chosen from a combination of the following OR 36 UOC in research thesis (see Level 4 Research Thesis)

Level 4 Research Thesis
3440 - Music (Honours)

You must complete either a total of 36 UOC in research thesis chosen from a combination of the following OR 12 UOC in research thesis and 24 UOC in creative practice-based project (see Level 4 Research Project).

Level 1 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 2 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 3 PR and Advertising Core Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Level 1 Media Prescribed Courses
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

Academic Writing & Language Enhancement
3440 - Music (Honours)

ARTS2050 Academic Writing for the Humanities (6 UOC) and HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement (6 UOC) can be counted as UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives or Free Electives.

Performance Ensembles
3440 - Music (Honours)

Bachelor of Music (Honours) students must take part in a required number of the performance ensembles offered by the School.

Specialisation Declaration
3440 - Music (Honours)

You must specify your major at the time of enrolment into Level 2.

Maturity Requirements
3453 - Media (Public Relations and Advertising)

You must have completed 24 UOC before taking any Level 2 courses.

You must have completed 66 UOC before taking any Level 3 courses.

Sample Programs

Additional Information

Further Information
Contact the UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Student Centre for advice.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)