
This program structure applies to students commencing prior to 2019. If you are commencing from 2019 please refer to program 3453 Media (PR and Advertising) The Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) [UNSW BMedia (PR&A)] is designed to provide you with foundational and applied skills, knowledge and capabilities in public … For more content click the Read More button below. Level 1 focuses on contextual knowledge of communication industries, Level 2 introduces communication theory, and Level 3 of the program deepens your knowledge of how such theories play out in society. At each level, an industry specific course in public relations or advertising is offered that augments the conceptual development and offers vocationally relevant knowledge in strategic communication. You are encouraged to think beyond industry specific problems to reflect on the broader socio-cultural, political and economic implications of the roles and responsibilities of public relations and advertising. The program focuses, in particular, on engagement, innovation and creativity. The UNSW BMedia (PR&A) aims to develop your understanding of professional communication in contemporary Australian and international contexts. In particular, the program aims to provide you with knowledge of and opportunities to engage critically with debates relating to the fields of public relations and advertising. You will examine the role and responsibilities of persuasive communication in a democratic society and learn how to add value through engagement in social and environmental innovation and enterprise. The program will offer you the opportunity to reflect critically upon how your vocational skills operate within and are mediated by political, economic, mediatised and social discourses and the dynamics of industry, governments, markets, consumer cultures, valuing regimes and society. Modes of professional communication including informative, persuasive, political, creative, promotional, digital and interpersonal discourse will be examined. The program also aims to help you develop an in-depth understanding of how to ethically engage with publics and communities, creatively engage with communication concepts and production technology, and professionally engage with organisational practices.

Learning Outcomes

Situate public relations and advertising in the context of media studies.
Critically analyse and creatively solve problems in the contexts of public relations and advertising.
Produce effective public relations and advertising texts for a range of media platforms.
Locate, evaluate and use relevant information to develop content relevant to public relations and advertising industries.
Show enterprise, initiative and creativity in the practice of public relations and advertising.
Apply an appreciation of, and respect for, the cultural diversity of media audiences, media forms and media delivery contexts.
Adapt to changes in the audiences, platforms, tools and practices of public relations and advertising.
Conduct research as applied to and appropriate for the fields of public relations and advertising.
Collaborate effectively across a range of contexts in public relations and advertising professions.
Contribute to, and work within, an international community of media professionals.
Create, discuss and evaluate public relations and advertising texts.
Deploy ethically informed and socially aware practice.

Program Structure
144 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 144 UOC as a standalone program.

  1. Media Core (12 UOC)
  2. PR & Advertising Core (48 UOC)
  3. Prescribed Media Electives (24 UOC)
  4. Prescribed PR & Advertising Elective (12 UOC)
  5. Breadth component (48 UOC) as follows:
  • 24 UOC Home minor
  • 12 UOC Free Electives
  • 12 UOC General Education


  • 24-36 UOC External minor
  • 12 UOC Arts & Social Sciences Prescribed Electives
  • 0-12 UOC Free Electives


  • 12 UOC Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives
  • 24 UOC Free Electives
  • 12 UOC General Education

Optional minors

You may substitute the Prescribed Arts and Social Sciences Electives and/or Free Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home or external minors.

If you are completing an External Minor you will complete 24-36 UOC in the minor and by doing so also meet the 12 UOC General Education requirement of the single program.

Level 1 Media Core Courses

Level 1 PR and Advertising Core Courses

Level 2 PR and Advertising Core Courses

Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute the Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home minors.

Indigenous Studies courses (ATSIxxxx) cannot be studied as Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives.

Prescribed PR and Advertising Electives

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

Free Electives

You must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute the Free Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home minor and external minors.

General Education

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute 12 UOC General Education courses for 12 UOC in an external minor from the list of UNSW BA approved external minors. This requirement is met if an external minor is completed.

Indigenous Studies courses (ATSIxxxx) can be studied as General Education only if you are not following a minor in Indigenous Studies.

Maturity Requirements

You must complete at least 24 UOC before enrolling in any Level 2 courses.

You must complete at least 66 UOC before enrolling in any Level 3 courses.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Related Programs

Related Double Degree Programs

Bachelor of Music - BMus
Bachelor of Media - BMedia
3463 - Music / Media (PR and Advertising)
Bachelor of Music (Honours) - BMus (Hons)
Bachelor of Media - BMedia
3467 - Music (Honours) / Media (PR and Advertising)
Bachelor of International Studies - BlnSt
Bachelor of Media - BMedia
3476 - International Studies / Media (PR and Advertising)
Bachelor of Media - BMedia
Bachelor of Laws - LLB
4751 - Media (PR and Advertising) / Law

Program Requirements

Progression Requirements


Honours Programs

Bachelor of Media (Honours) - BMedia (Hons)4510 - Media (Honours)

Professional Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Award of Pass with Distinction

Additional Information

Further Information
Contact the UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Student Services for advice.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)