
Optometry combines the theoretical discipline of vision science with the clinical art of primary eye care. Vision science includes the optics of lenses and instruments, the physiology of the eye, the psychophysics of vision and the neuroscience of the brain. Optometry includes the diagnosis and management of ocular disease, the … For more content click the Read More button below. Upon completion of the Master of Clinical Optometry degree, students will be allowed to apply for registration with the Optometry Board leading to the practice of Optometry in Australia, New Zealand and most parts of Asia. Graduates of the dual award Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry will have specialised knowledge and skills for professional practice and research in Optometry and Vision Science and further learning.

Learning Outcomes

Apply knowledge and skills in Optometry to work in ophthalmic industry and or as an autonomous practitioner.
  • Leaders
  • Global Citizens
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
Demonstrate effective and professional skills in communicating information and judgements to patients and other health care providers.
  • Leaders
  • Professionals
Articulate advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in Vision Science and Optometry, and their areas of professional practice.
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
  • Leaders
Demonstrate an awareness of national and international issues within the disciplines of Vision Science and Optometry, and the impact they may have on the delivery of eye care to the community.
  • Global Citizens
  • Scholars
Apply expert knowledge of ocular diseases and ocular therapeutics to the treatment and management of anterior eye diseases, foreign body removal and glaucoma co-management.
  • Leaders
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Use expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills in Optometry to independently and critically analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories.
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
  • Leaders
Understand the scientific research process and ability to undertake independent research in Vision Science and Optometry. Apply established theories and concepts to a body of knowledge, and the interpretation and communication of knowledge and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
  • Professionals

Program Structure
240 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 240 UOC as a standalone program.

1. 228 UOC - Core Courses in Stages 1 to 5

2. 12 UOC - General Education Courses

General Education

Students must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

Any course defined as a Science course cannot be taken as General Education (GE). All other courses can be used to fulfil the GE requirement of this program, including GEN# coded courses. Any exceptions to these rules must be approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs) or nominee.

Related Programs

Related Programs

Bachelor of Vision Science - BVisSc3181 - Vision Science
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)3962 - Advanced Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Science - BSc3970 - Science

Program Requirements

Participation and Enrolment Requirements
Progression Requirements
Internships and Placements


Honours Programs

Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc(Hons)4500 - Science (Honours)

Post Graduate

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1487 - Vision Science

Professional Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Award of Pass with Distinction

Additional Information

Study Load

This is an intensive full-time program. Only in exceptional circumstances will students be allowed to enrol in a reduced program for a Stage.


Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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