
This course will extend your problem-solving skills by applying the basic optics and visual optics studied thus far into real world scenarios. This will be achieved through hands-on experiences as well as further theoretical studies. Building on the foundations of ocular anatomy and physiology, 'The Clinical Environment' will also introduce … For more content click the Read More button below. You will be invited to recognise the range of people seeking eye care, including those with vision impairment, and the effects that your personal communications skills and reflective practice have upon their welfare. Spectacles are a common outcome of an eye examination: you will learn the impact of this need upon the person and how lack of access to spectacles places an enormous burden on an individual and their community, particularly in developing countries. During this course, your preparedness to take on social responsibility and global citizenship will be piqued. Most importantly, your capability to self-audit, to solve problems and to work either independently or as part of a team will be developed.  

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: VISN1111 and VISN1221 and VISN1101 and VISN2111 Exclusion: OPTM2190

Course Outline

To access course outline please visit below link (Please note that access to UNSW Canberra course outlines requires VPN):


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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