
The three-year Bachelor of Science allows you to study a wide range of science subjects as well as many other areas of interest. This degree is ideal for students who seek a 'generalist' degree in which there is a large element of choice. Students are encouraged to choose a broad … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Outcomes

Ethical, social and professional understanding including the ability to critically reflect upon broad ethical principles and codes of conduct in order to behave consistently with a personal respect and commitment to ethical practice and social responsibility, multicultural, cultural and personal diversity.
  • Professionals
  • Global Citizens
Teamwork, collaborative and management skills including the ability to recognise opportunities and contribute positively to collaborative scientific research, and to demonstrate a capacity for self management, teamwork, leadership and decision making based on open-mindedness, objectivity and reasoned analysis in order to achieve common goals and further the learning of themselves and others.
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
Information literacy including the ability to make appropriate and effective use of information and information technology relevant to their discipline.
  • Scholars
Effective and appropriate communication in both professional (intra and inter disciplinary) and social (local and international) contexts.
  • Scholars
Research, enquiry and analytical thinking abilities including the ability to construct new concepts or create new understanding through the process of enquiry, critical analysis, problem solving and research.
  • Global Citizens
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
Capability and motivation for intellectual development; including capacity for creativity, critical evaluation, entrepreneurship and demonstrating a commitment to their own learning, motivated by curiosity and an appreciation of the value of learning.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars

Program Structure
144 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 144 UOC as a standalone program.

Students in the Bachelor of Science program must complete a minimum of 144 UOC.

108 UOC of Science courses
This includes at least one Bachelor of Science major and Science elective courses. Science elective courses are defined in 'Table 1' in the Additional Information section below.

24 UOC of Free Electives 
These courses can be taken from any Faculty at UNSW at any stage of your program.  

12 UOC of General Education courses
These cannot be Science courses. The rules regarding General Education are detailed below.

Please click the Sample Programs link below to view a typical enrolment pattern for this program.


Students must complete at least one Science major selected from the list below. Students should declare their major prior to commencing Stage 2 courses.

1. Students in 4076 Science/Education can only choose from the following majors: Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Mathematics for Education, Pathology, Physics, Physiology. All other majors in 3970 are not permitted.
2.Students are not permitted to take the Bioinformatics major BINFB1 when taking the degree in dual award mode with the Bachelor of Engineering (Bioinformatics) program.

Free Electives

Students can take up to a maximum of 24 UOC of the following courses.

General Education

Students must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

Any course defined as a Science course cannot be taken as General Education (GE). All other courses can be used to fulfil the GE requirement of this program, including GEN#-coded courses. Any exceptions to these rules must be approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs) or nominee.

Course Information Rule

GEN# courses cannot count towards the free elective component, or towards science core courses or science electives in the program. Any exceptions to these rules must be approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs) or nominee.

Level 1 Science UOC

Students must complete a minimum of 24 UOC of the following courses.

Maximum Level 1 UOC

A maximum of 72 UOC of Level 1 courses can be taken, including any General Education or mainstream Level 1 course taken to fulfil either the General Education or the Free Elective requirement.

Level 2 Maturity Requirements

Students must have completed 30 UOC before taking any of the following courses.

Level 3 Maturity Requirements

Students must have completed 72 UOC before taking any of the following courses.

Double Counting

Students cannot complete a minor with the same name as their nominated major, and Level II and III courses cannot be double-counted between majors and minors. More than one minor may be completed subject to the limit on double-counting. Students must declare their minor(s) before their final term.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Related Programs

Related Programs

Bachelor of Science and Business - BSc&Bus3925 - Science and Business
Bachelor of Environmental Management - BEnvMgmt3965 - Environmental Management
Bachelor of Science (International) - BSc(International)3987 - Science (International)

Related Double Degree Programs

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies - BActSt
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3154 - Actuarial Studies / Science
Bachelor of Music - BMus
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3457 - Music / Science
Bachelor of Music (Honours) - BMus (Hons)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3471 - Music (Honours) / Science
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3529 - Commerce / Science
Bachelor of Economics - BEc
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3563 - Economics / Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3767 - Engineering (Honours) / Science
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3789 - Science / Computer Science
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Social Research and Policy - BSRP
3937 - Science / Social Research and Policy
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Arts - BA
3947 - Science / Arts
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Fine Arts - BFA
3958 - Science / Fine Arts
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) - BEd (Secondary)
4076 - Science / Education (Secondary)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
Bachelor of Laws - LLB
4770 - Science / Law

Program Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning
Progression Requirements


Honours Programs

Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc(Hons)4500 - Science (Honours)

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Award of Pass with Distinction

Additional Information

Talented Students' Program and Accelerated Progression

The Science Talented Students' Program (TSP) introduces high performing students - entering the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - to the Faculty of Science and helps them develop specific skills during their degree. The program offers these students exposure to research within the Faculty and provides a degree that is flexible and tailored to suit students' needs and talents.

Invitation to participate in the TSP is made by the Dean of Science on the basis of superior secondary education performance (ATAR or equivalent), all incoming students are assessed for eligibility including non-high school leavers. High performing current UNSW Science students, in the BSc or BSc (Advanced), will be invited to join at the end of their first year. Contact the Science Student Centre website for more details.

Definition of 'Science' courses

Courses that are classified as 'Science' can be found under Table 1 on the Science Terminology page.

Science Handbook Rules and Editions

Students must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year they commence their studies with the Faculty of Science.

Students who transfer from another UNSW Faculty into Science (for example, from a Bachelor of Arts into a Bachelor of Science) must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year of their transfer.

Students, who are readmitted to UNSW after a period of unapproved absence or deferment, or after exclusion, must satisfy the program rules in the Handbook published in the year of their readmission. In addition, these students may be subject to restrictions on which courses taken at UNSW may be counted on their return. In some cases, students returning from an unapproved absence may be required to repeat courses. See the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Advanced Standing section below for more details. Students who take approved leave or deferment will follow the Handbook for the year of their original commencement unless otherwise approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs). 

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)