Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)3707 - Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)Master of Biomedical Engineering - MBiomedE3768 - Engineering (Honours)/Biomedical Engineering

Specialisation Structure
168 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 168 UOC.

Level 1 Prescribed Electives

Students can take up to a maximum of 12 UOC of the following courses.
- Students choosing the recommended ELEC1111 and COMP1521 Year 1 electives will gain two Level 4 Electives later in the program.
- CHEM1031 and CHEM1041 will only be available to students enrolled in a program which has a Chemistry major.

Recommended Prescribed Electives

When undertaking the specialisation as a part of a single degree program, the program consists of the Telecommunications Engineering stream plus 12 UOC of General Education plus 12 UOC of foundational or disciplinary Prescribed Electives.Recommended Level 1 Prescribed Electives for this specialisation are:- COMP1521 Computer Systems Fundamentals (6 UOC)- ELEC1111 … For more content click the Read More button below.

Industrial Training Requirement

Students undertake 60 days of industrial training

Additional Information

Industrial Experience Requirements

All students are required to undertake mandatory industrial training. Each student is personally responsible for arranging and completing the full 60 days compulsory industrial training prescribed as part of the requirements for the award of the degree. Industrial training should be concurrent with enrolment and is best accumulated in the summer recesses at the end of the second and third years of the program, but it must be completed before graduating. Industrial training should be in the area of engineering design and/or project work, but limited credit may be given for work of a non-engineering nature. It is preferable that all 60 days be completed with one or two organisations. Students should, in general, work with professional engineers and take an active part in their work in the design of equipment, solving of engineering problems, or any other work that is relevant to the profession of Engineering.

Students are required to submit a written report on their industry placements, typically 2000-3000 words, describing the organisation of the Company, summarising the work done and the training received. The report must be accompanied by certification of their industrial placement by a senior company representative.

Industrial Training will be assessed as a compulsory part of the course ELEC4122 Strategic Leadership and Ethics. Students must complete the industrial training requirement in order to receive a completed assessment for this course, but the industrial training assessment does not affect the mark received for ELEC4122.

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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