Stand Alone Programs
Double Degree Structure
Students must complete 240 UOC (after the 24 UOC reduction from double counted courses).
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) - 168 UOC
- A 168 UOC stream consisting of the following,
- At least 48 UOC Disciplinary Knowledge and Enquiry-based Courses
- 30-42 UOC Introductory Knowledge core courses
- At least 12 UOC of elective courses
- The balance of stream (specialisation/major) to consist of Foundation Disciplinary Knowledge courses
- 6 UOC free elective
- Students must also complete at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training experience
Bachelor of Computer Science – 96 UOC
- A Bachelor of Computer Science major
- 6 UOC free elective
BINFAH and COMPBH and SENGAH majors are not available in this double degree. This double degree also requires students to complete 12 UOC of Free Electives.
In this double degree students take 168 UOC for the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and 96 UOC for the Bachelor of Computer Science, for a total of 264 UOC. Because the courses required for both degrees overlap, the total minimum UOC required for the double degree is reduced by 24 UOC to 240 UOC.
Depending on the chosen combination of Engineering stream and Computer Science major there may be more than 24 UOC of overlapping courses. When a student meets all the requirements for both degrees in less than 240 UOC, students must complete additional elective courses (on top of the required 12 UOC of free electives) to bring the total to 240 UOC. Students must take these additional electives from Faculty of Engineering and/or the School of Computer Science
Some courses are double counted. Additionally the course overlaps require students to replace the usual course in one core or major with a more advanced course required in the other program. Specifically,
- Students MUST take COMP1511 as their first year Engineering computing course, COMP1511 is then double counted towards both degrees
- COMP1521 is a core requirement (BSc) and is double counted towards the BE(Hons) as a first year Engineering elective. Students should accordingly take one less first year Engineering elective
- Students are required to complete one of MATH1131 or MATH1141, and one of MATH1231 or MATH1241. The two Maths course are double counted towards both degrees.
- COMP4920 is required for the BSc, however students do not enrol in this course, and instead double count the management or ethics course in their chosen Engineering stream. Students take a free elective with the 6uoc freed up from not taking COMP4920
- MATH1081 is a core requirement (BSc) but is replaced by the 2nd year Maths course taken in the BE(Hons) major. Students take a free elective with the 6 UOC freed up from not taking MATH1081
- Note: Without following the substitutions above, students may end up needing to use free electives for core requirements or taking more than 240 UOC to complete the dual degree.
Enrolment Disclaimer
You are responsible for ensuring you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and advice from your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program.
Additional Information
This Engineering component of this dual degree has the same accreditation status as the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons). For details please see Program 3707
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Progression Requirements:
Students must make satisfactory progress while studying in the BE (Hons) program. Students must show cause not to be excluded from the program if any of the following occur:
- Fail a core course 2 or more times
- Fail more than half of the courses attempted, after completing 84 UOC or more of the BE(Hons) major
- Have an overall WAM less than 50.000 with 48 UOC of more of your BE(Hons) remaining.
Students must also satisfy UNSW progression requirements. For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression.
Program Fees
At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following: