
The UNSW Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) is designed to equip you for a career as a professional engineer. We provide you with a solid background in mathematics, natural sciences and computing that will prepare you for learning knowledge and skills in an engineering discipline specialisation. You will get the chance … For more content click the Read More button below. The four year program is offered in 19 engineering disciplines (listed below). A flexible first year engineering stream is offered for students who wish to study engineering but choose to delay their choice of which branch of engineering to study until the end of Year 1.

Program Structure

Students must complete 192 UOC when taken as a standalone program.

  1. 168 UOC stream
  2. 12 UOC General Education
  3. 12 UOC Electives (Foundational Disciplinary or Disciplinary Knowledge Courses)

All students are also required to complete 60 days of Industrial Training.

Disciplinary Component168 Units of Credit:
Discipline Elective List
General Education12 Units of Credit:
Optional Minor24 Units of Credit:

Program Constraints

Maturity Rule

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Program Requirements

Internship, Placement and Exchange Opportunities

A minimum of 60 days of work experience is required, though individual streams may have additional requirements.

Compulsory Training Component

A minimum of 60 days of work experience is required, though individual streams may have additional requirements.

Progression Requirements

Students must make satisfactory progress while studying in the BE (Hons) program. Students must show cause not to be excluded from the program if any of the following occur:

  • Fail a core course 2 or more times
  • Fail more than half of the courses attempted, after completing 84 UOC or more of the BE(Hons) major
  • Have an overall WAM less than 50.000 with 48 UOC of more of your BE(Hons) remaining.

Students must also satisfy UNSW progression requirements.

For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression

Associated Programs

Related Double Degree

Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) - BSc(AdvMath)(Hons)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
3761 - Advanced Mathematics (Honours) / Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
3762 - Advanced Science (Honours) / Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Commerce - BCom
3764 - Engineering (Honours) / Commerce
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Laws - LLB
3765 - Engineering (Honours) / Law
Bachelor of Music - BMus
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
3766 - Music / Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3767 - Engineering (Honours) / Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Master of Biomedical Engineering - MBiomedE
3768 - Engineering (Honours) / Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Music (Honours) - BMus (Hons)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
3769 - Music (Honours) / Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Engineering Science - BEngSc
3773 - Engineering (Honours) / Engineering Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Surveying - BSurv
3776 - Engineering (Honours) / Surveying
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Science - BSc
3785 - Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - BE (Hons)
Bachelor of Arts - BA
3961 - Engineering (Honours) / Arts

Postgraduate Pathway

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1010 - Chemical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1016 - Industrial Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1017 - Petroleum Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1031 - Food Science and Technology
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1050 - Mining Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1630 - Civil & Environmental Eng
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1640 - Electrical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1650 - Computer Science and Eng
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1655 - Photovoltaic Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1662 - Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng
Graduate Diploma in Food Science - GradDipFoodSci5037 - Food Science
Graduate Diploma in Mining Engineering - GradDipMinEng5335 - Mining Engineering
Graduate Diploma in Engineering Science - GradDipEngSc5341 - Engineering Science
Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering - GDipBiomedE5449 - Biomedical Engineering
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology - GDipIT5543 - Information Technology
Graduate Certificate in Mining Engineering - GCertMinEng7335 - Mining Engineering
Graduate Certificate in Computing - GCertComp7543 - Computing
Master of Science - MSc8037 - Food Science
Master of Mining Engineering - MMinEng8335 - Mining Engineering
Master of Engineering Science - MEngSc8338 - Engineering Science
Master of Information Technology - MIT8543 - Information Technology
Master of Biomedical Engineering - MBiomedE8660 - Biomedical Engineering

Professional Outcomes


Australian Computer Society
Engineers Australia

Professional Recognition

Graduates are eligible to apply for membership of Engineers Australia. Further information may be found on engineersaustralia.org.au

Career Opportunities

From your second year, you can specialise in a particular field of engineering. Refer to the various engineering degrees for examples of career opportunities.

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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