
UNSW Medicine offers a six year integrated Medicine program (288 UOC) which leads to the awards of Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMed) and Doctor of Medicine (MD). The program includes a compulsory Independent Learning Project (30 UOC) to ensure that all graduates acquire knowledge of research principles and methods applicable … For more content click the Read More button below. The objectives of the Medicine program are: To establish an integrated, interconnected and organised medical knowledge base as a platform for a professional and personal life of learning through experience.To develop effective interactions with oneself through reflection; interaction with others through communication; and interaction with information and learning resources through information literacy and critical analysis.To develop a set of personal attributes and skills appropriate to the professional practice of Medicine. The program is organised into two degrees: Bachelor of Medical Studies (BMed) The BMed includes Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 commences with the Foundations course, followed by 7 x 8 week courses focussing on basic medical sciences in relation to the human life cycle; social, ethical and legal issues related to health care; and early experience in clinical or other health-related environments. During this phase, students will undertake a variety of learning activities involving students from different stages of the program working collaboratively in small groups. Phase 2 consists of 2 x 16-week courses, with increased clinical content and an emphasis on correlation between prior and current learning. Doctor of Medicine (MD) The MD includes the Independent Learning Project (ILP), followed by a Clinical Transition Course prior to the Phase 3 courses. During the Independent Learning Project students should also complete 12 UOC of General Education courses in a faculty or faculties other than Medicine. Phase 3 consists of 10 x 8-week courses with a clinical focus, but still includes relevant content from the basic medical sciences and the social sciences. Students are required to complete a course in the disciplines of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, Primary Care, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Children's Health (Paediatrics). Students may choose from a range of other available clinical modules to complete Phase 3 requirements. In addition, a student's clinical experiences during Phase 3 must include a minimum of 4 weeks in a rural location. All clinical courses in Phase 3 adopt the principles of clinical clerkship, in which students learn through experience and participation in the treatment of patients under the care of medical practitioners and/or medical teams to which they are attached. Students who have achieved a high standard in the BMed may undertake a one year program of supervised research leading to the award of the BSc(Med) Honours. Students wishing to undertake a full year of research may be able to enrol in the BSc (Med) Honours program 3831 subject to the approval from the Honours Committee. These students will be exempt from undertaking the Independent Learning Project. Exemption from the Independent Learning Project will also be granted to students who have previously completed a research Honours program or higher research degree, or a Master degree with a significant research component, or who can otherwise demonstrate acceptable evidence of independent study or research at a tertiary level.

Program Structure
288 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 288 UOC as a standalone program.

The duration of the integrated Medicine program is normally 6 years. It has a modular structure comprising a series of fully integrated courses studied over 26 teaching periods, generally each of 8 weeks duration. There are 4 teaching periods in Years 1-4 approximating the University semester timetable. There is an additional teaching period (Summer Teaching Period) in years 5-6. In most years, the standard UNSW program load of 48 UOC per year will apply.

Stage 3 Core Courses

General Education

Students must take at least 12 UOC of the following courses.

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements
Special Admission Requirements

Related Programs

Related Double Degree Programs

Bachelor of Medical Studies - BMed
Doctor of Medicine - MD
Bachelor of Arts - BA
3856 - Medicine / Arts

Program Requirements

Participation and Enrolment Requirements
Progression Requirements
Internships and Placements


Honours Programs

Bachelor of Science (Medicine) Honours - BSc(Med)Hons3831 - Science (Medicine) Honours

Professional Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Award of Pass with Distinction

Additional Information

Government Policies affecting all Medicine Students

Please read detailed information at: https://med.unsw.edu.au/policies

Award with Distinction

Students who achieve a weighted, average mark of at least 75% in either the BMed and/or MD will be awarded Distinction in one or both degrees. The weighted, average mark used for this purpose is not the University WAM as this calculation does not include the Phase-based assessments in the program. The algorithms for determining the weighted, average mark for the Award with Distinction in each degree are as follows:


Award with Distinction for BMed:

Phase 1 Course Results - 20%
Phase 1 Written Examination - 10%
Phase 1 Clinical Skills Examination - 10%
Phase 1 Portfolio Examination - 20%
Phase 2 Course Assignments/Project Results - 10%
Phase 2 Integrated Clinical Examination - 20%
General Education/Arts Course Results - 10%

Award with Distinction for MD:

ILP/Science Honours - 15%
Phase 3 Course Results - 20%
Biomedical Sciences Viva Examination - 15%
Phase 3 Integrated Clinical Examination - 30%
Phase 3 Portfolio - 20%

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

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