
THIS PROGRAM IS FOR STUDENTS COMMENCING IN 2015 ONWARDS. The Bachelor of Media (Screen and Sound Production) [UNSW BMedia (S&SP)] is designed to provide you with foundational and applied skills, knowledge and capabilities relevant to career pathways in a broad range of audio-visual, digital and screen production industries. The emphasis … For more content click the Read More button below. Through a suite of electives, you will gain practical experience in digital film and sound production, animation, interaction and game design in a degree that is both ideas driven and vocationally relevant in its orientation. You will gain foundational practical experience in the thoughtful and creative application of established and emerging media technologies, while also being immersed in the history, culture and philosophy of media and film studies through a diverse suite of core and elective courses. The balance between practice and theory, film and media enables you to be at the forefront of an increasingly convergent media landscape. At level 1 you will study introductory courses in film and media studies and also take a range of foundational courses in video production, sonic arts as well as a course that introduces you to foundational principles of graphic design, animation and interaction design. At Levels 2 and 3 you select from a wide range of production and project-based courses to expand and deepen your knowledge and understanding in the technical, analytical and conceptual application of various media forms including audio-visual production, screenwriting, animation and game design. Concurrently, you will continue to expand your knowledge of the histories, theories and cultures in the disciplinary courses in film and media studies. It is here that you will develop discipline specific and generic skills in critical and creative thought, writing, research and presentation. The UNSW BMedia (S&SP) aims to prepare graduates for a leadership role in the thoughtful application of screen and sound production technologies informed by a solid understanding of film and media histories, theories and cultures. Graduates will also gain a deep understanding of the convergence of film and media industries in the contemporary world. You are not simply skilled up in the use of video and sound recorders, computers and media applications, but are encouraged to become thoughtful and resourceful professionals capable of tackling complex issues by drawing on your integrated practical and theoretical expertise. You will become immersed in the current culture of contemporary screen and sound production and theory. You are encouraged to test out emerging ideas and developments and look for novel ways to approach the planning and production of contemporary audio-visual and digital media projects. Graduates will gain foundational expertise in a range of screen and sound production tools, but more importantly, you will be able to interpret and reflect on emerging audio-visual practices and increasingly diverse screen environments, enabling you to take leading, imaginative and inventive roles in the rapidly changing media industries.

Program Structure
144 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 144 UOC as a standalone program.

  1. Media Studies courses (24 UOC)
  2. Film Studies courses (24 UOC)
  3. Screen and Sound Production core and prescribed electives (48 UOC)
  4. Breadth component (48 UOC) as follows:
  • 24 UOC Home minor
  • 12 UOC Free Electives
  • 12 UOC General Education


  • 24-36 UOC External minor
  • 12 UOC Arts & Social Sciences Prescribed Electives
  • 0-12 UOC Free Electives


  • 12 UOC Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives
  • 24 UOC Free Electives
  • 12 UOC General Education

Optional Film Studies Major

You may meet the requirements for the 60 UOC BA Film Studies Major by completing the 24 UOC of Film studies courses that form part of the core and prescribed electives and additional Film Studies courses in lieu of Arts and Social Sciences and/or Free electives.

Optional Minors

You may substitute the Prescribed Arts and Social Sciences Electives and/or Free Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home or external minors.

If you are completing an External Minor you will complete 24-36 UOC in the minor and by doing so also meet the 12 UOC General Education requirement of the single program.

Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Elective Courses

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute the Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home minors.

Indigenous Studies courses (ATSIxxxx) cannot be studied as Arts and Social Sciences Prescribed Electives.

Free Electives

You must take 24 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute the Free Electives for an optional minor from the list of UNSW BA approved home minor and external minors.

General Education

You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.

You may substitute 12 UOC General Education courses for 12 UOC in an external minor from the list of UNSW BA approved external minors.

Indigenous Studies courses (ATSIxxxx) can be studied as General Education only if you are not following a minor in Indigenous Studies.

Maturity Requirements

You must complete at least 24 UOC before enrolling in any Level 2 courses.

You must complete at least 66 UOC before enrolling in any Level 3 courses.

Suggested Arts & Social Sciences Elective Courses

You are encouraged to select from among the following courses offered by UNSW Arts and Social Sciences to fulfill part of your Arts and Social Sciences Elective or Free Elective requirement. Note that prerequisites may apply for some courses.- ARTS1010 Life of Words (6 UOC)- ARTS2094 Visual Communication (6 UOC)- … For more content click the Read More button below.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Related Programs

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3477 - International Studies / Media (Screen and Sound Production)
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3479 - Media (Screen and Sound Production) / Arts
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Bachelor of Laws - LLB
4752 - Media (Screen and Sound Production) / Law

Program Requirements

Progression Requirements


Honours Programs

Bachelor of Media (Honours) - BMedia (Hons)4510 - Media (Honours)

Professional Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Award of Pass with Distinction

Additional Information

Film Studies Minor

Completion of 24 UOC in Film Studies courses will automatically confer a minor in Film Studies at the time of graduation.

Further Information

Contact the Arts and Social Sciences Student Services for advice.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

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