
This course provides some practical experience in video-making and gives you an understanding of the basic concepts that underlie a video production, from script to final cut. Video Production allows you to put into practice some of the theories and conceptual materials that you have covered in your preceding studies. … For more content click the Read More button below. In the first six weeks, your production skills will be developed and challenged through a range of technical exercises and a series of obstructions. You will be also required to develop the script and pre-production of your project. In the second part of the course, working as a group you will produce two short films. These films will then be curated and programmed for a special screening at the end of term. The screening of a range of short fiction and factual films will introduce you to the art of the short film. You will be encouraged to critically evaluate these films, your own work and the work of others and to test theoretical positions with creative solutions and practical exercises.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: 48 UOC overall, including ARTS1060 or ARTS1064, and ARTS2065. Or 66 UOC overall and enrolled in a single or double degree Media (Screen and Sound Production) program

Course Outline

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Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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