
This dual award program gives students the chance to develop their skills and knowledge in two areas - a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Materials Science and Engineering degree plus an additional area leading to a Bachelor of Engineering Science in Chemical Engineering. Students have a pathway to enhance their … For more content click the Read More button below. The broad objective of the Engineering (Honours) undergraduate programs is to develop well-educated graduates, that is, graduates with the strong technical knowledge and the basic skills and attributes required to practise as professional engineers. The desired skills are those that enable graduates to be independent investigators; self-motivated; critical thinkers; problem solvers; life-long learners; good communicators; team players; effective managers; as well as economically, environmentally and socially aware

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure
240 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 240 UOC.

Students are required to complete 240 UOC comprising:

1. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Materials Science and Engineering - 168 UOC
2. Bachelor of Engineering Science - 96 UOC

Because of the overlap of at least 24 units of credit of engineering courses in both cores, the total units of credit required for completion is 240 UOC, rather than 264 UOC.

  • 3132 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours) / Engineering Science
  • 3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)
  • 3706 - Engineering Science

Level 1 Electives
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students must take at least 6 UOC of the following courses.

General Education
3706 - Engineering Science

Students must take at least 6 UOC of the following courses.

Level 2 Maturity Requirement
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students must have completed 36 UOC before taking any of the following courses.

Level 3 Maturity Requirement
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students must have completed all Introductory core courses before taking any Level 3 course.

Level 4 Maturity Requirement
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students must have completed 102 UOC before taking any of the following courses.

Maximum Level 1 UOC
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students may only undertake a maximum of 60 UOC of the following courses, in the 168 units of credit required for the Engineering (Honours) component.

Substitution & General Education Requirements

1. Students may substitute up to 12 UOC of Advanced Disciplinary courses (Level 5) in place of Disciplinary Knowledge courses from a school specified stream list of courses with the approval of the Program or Stream Authority.2. Students are required to complete 6 units of credit of general education courses. … For more content click the Read More button below.

General Education Rule
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

Students enrolled in programs 3132 Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)/Engineering Science and 3133 Materials Science and Engineering (Honours) / Biomedical Engineering, are required to complete 6 UOC of General Education courses. General Education courses cannot have a course code of COMP, FOOD, GENE, GENS or SOMS nor can they be … For more content click the Read More button below.

Recommended Level 1 Electives
3131 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours)

The following courses are recommended:
- CVEN1300 or MINE1300 or MMAN1300 (6 UOC)

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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