
The two-year Master of Health Leadership and Management / Master of Global Health (Extension) (MHLM/MGHext) dual extension program is an innovative approach to postgraduate education. It meets the education needs of current and aspiring leaders in global health and health services leadership and management. The program responds to a well-recognised … For more content click the Read More button below. The MGHext gives you the opportunity to extend your knowledge and skills in global health by completing additional research methodology courses and/or an advanced research project in a global health-related topic. You will graduate with specialist knowledge and skills in global public health and health leadership and management. Learn to recognise the relationships between public health and the delivery of healthcare and to lead in complex political and administrative structures. Our MHLM/MGHext includes a multidisciplinary program of study aimed at developing global health leaders. You will gain core skills in strategic planning, policy development, change management, quality enhancement, and decision-making. These are complemented by core public health skills in epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion and skills required to address the challenges of the social determinants of health. You will learn to draw on this interdisciplinary knowledge and research to address global health challenges, including the politics of global health, globalisation, decolonisation, human rights and the environment. The MHLM/MGHext program fosters judgement-ready critically reflexive practitioners who can lead, manage and improve health services and health systems and contribute to improving public health outcomes in diverse settings drawing on a global health perspective. Through the extension program, you will gain an understanding of the specialised skills required not only for the execution of research, but for its commissioning, funding, assessment and evaluation – skills that are vital for those involved in shaping and directing global health priorities in research and population health roles. Graduates typically find employment across a range of employers, including in government ministries and departments of Health, non-government organisations, primary care and community healthcare services, hospital settings in the public and private sectors in Australia.

Stand Alone Programs

Click on the link below to find out more about each individual program.

Double Degree Structure

Students must complete 96 UOC.

1. Core Courses - 48 UOC
2. Global Health Prescribed Electives - 12-24 UOC
3. Research Methodology or Extension Project and Coursework - 24 UOC
4. Prescribed Electives - 0-12 UOC
5. PHCM9100 - Academic Practice - 0 UOC - Required enrolment for International students who completed their previous studies in a non-English speaking country

Research Methodology or Extension Project24 Units of Credit:
Prescribed Electives12 Units of Credit:
Academic Practice: International Students
Independent Study or Internship

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please read the Double Degree Program rules as some specific rules apply to particular Double Degree combinations.

You are responsible for ensuring you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and advice from your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program.

Additional Information

Students enrolled in the Master of Global Health (Extension)/Master of Health Leadership and Management dual extension program can transfer to the associate single program Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, Masters, or Masters (Extension) programs in accordance with the UNSW Academic Progression Procedure.

Students can also request to transfer their extension component to the Master of Health Leadership and Management (9058) in accordance with the UNSW Academic Progression Procedure.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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