
The Master of Public Health (Extension) /Master of Infectious Disease Intelligence dual program is an innovative approach to postgraduate health education enabling candidates to specialise in both public health and infectious disease epidemiology, prevention and control and to develop research skills in public health. Program Objectives The dual MPH/MIDI Extn … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning Outcomes

Apply advanced disciplinary knowledge and skills to protecting the health of national and/or international populations and preventing communicable diseases using appropriate scientifically based methods and contemporary theories and techniques
  • Professionals
  • Global Citizens
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
Demonstrate capacity to engage in scholarly inquiry and an ability to critically analyse complex population related data, health care approaches and policy contexts to inform infection prevention/control strategies drawing on recent scholarship and contemporary approaches to organisational practice in health setting
  • Leaders
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Demonstrate capacity to initiate, plan, implement and/or evaluate projects and/or programs in a range of public health contexts informed by the scholarly literature, current debates, techniques etc. to protect and prevent disease spread within different population contexts.
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
  • Professionals
Employ high level skills in communication, team work and advocacy to promote and enhance interventions that prevent and control infectious diseases in populations
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
  • Professionals
  • Global Citizens
Identify and critically appraise research literature in an area of public health and infectious disease and determine research question/s and appropriate methodologies to address these question/s.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Demonstrate ability to plan and execute a scholarly research-based project using relevant methodologies for contributing understanding to the field within the specific area of research.
  • Scholars
  • Professionals

Program Structure
96 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 96 UOC as a standalone program.

Extension Project and Coursework Electives

Students must take one of the following options to complete the extension component of their program (24UOC):
- 6 UOC research project (PHCM9148) and 3 additional prescribed elective courses (18 UOC); or
- 12 UOC research project (PHCM9144) and 2 additional prescribed elective courses (12UOC); or
- 18 UOC major research project (PHCM9150) and 1 additional prescribed elective course (6 UOC).
Part-time students can complete the 12 UOC Project (PHCM9144) part time by enrolling in PHCM9145 (6 UOC) in two consecutive terms or the 18 UOC Major Project (PHCM9150) by enrolling in PHCM9151 (9UOC) in two consecutive terms or PHCM9152 (6 UOC) in three consecutive terms.

Academic Practice: International Students

International students from non-English speaking countries enrolled in the full time program in Sydney (Kensington campus) are required to take the following additional preparatory course in their first semester. This course is available for all students to assist to gain maximum benefit from their study. The course is made available at no charge to students and does not contribute to the UOC requirements of the degree.

Research Project Maturity Requirement

Students must complete 48 UOC comprising PHCM9012, PHCM9498 and PHCM9041 and five additional prescribed electives with a minimum WAM of 65 before taking any of the following courses. The elective courses can include MIDI core courses.

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

Related Programs

Related Programs

Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence - MIDI8362 - Infectious Diseases Intelligence
Master of Health Management - MHM8901 - Health Management
Master of Public Health - MPH9045 - Public Health
Master of International Public Health - MIPH9048 - International Public Health

Program Requirements

Progression Requirements


Post Graduate

Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1835 - Public Health & Community Med

Articulation Arrangements

Graduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases Intelligence - GradDipIDI5362 - Infectious Diseases Intelligence
Graduate Certificate in Infectious Diseases Intelligence - GradCertIDI7362 - Infectious Diseases Intelligence
Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence - MIDI8362 - Infectious Diseases Intelligence

Recognition of Achievement

Award with Excellence
For more information, please visit:
The Award with Excellence is awarded in coursework masters programs, including Masters (Extension) but with the exception of Masters (Extended) such as JD and MD, when a Weighted Average Mean (WAM) of at least 80% has been achieved and at least 50% of the requirements of the award are completed at UNSW. All eligible programs will award 'with Excellence' except in special circumstances where approval of Academic Board has been given for a program to opt out.

Additional Information


Dr Holly Seale

Email: h.seale@unsw.edu.au

Phone: +61 (2) 9385 3129

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

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