
Master of Urban Development & Design (MUDD) is a multidisciplinary degree which links the study of urban design with the processes of urban development. Through the investigation of urban growth and change in a studio-based setting, you will understand the role of urban design in relation to the forces which … For more content click the Read More button below. In an intense three-semester program, MUDD integrates three fields of urban research: Spatial political economy - the manifestation in urban form of global patterns of capital formation, investment and disinvestmentUrban design principles and paradigms - normative models of 'good city form' grounded in aesthetic, social and environmental concernsUrban design as public policy - the intersection of public policy, design principles, urban governance and the deal-making of the property sector in defence of the public realm. Why Study a Master of Urban Development & Design? You will develop theoretical grounding, practical experience and expert skills in city-making as a creative field. The MUDD Program combines design studios with advanced seminars, case study investigations and international workshops, connecting with fellow universities, city agencies and urban design professionals to deepen your understanding of the 21st century city. Work on global urban design issues You will gain a global perspective on urban design through the MUDD Program's international design studio - a core requirement of the degree. In a two to three week workshop setting, you will collaborate with universities and/or planning agencies overseas on a critical urban project. The MUDD Program has conducted 40 international studios over the past 20 years - in cities which include Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hanoi, Djakarta, Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Portland, New York, Venice, Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Budapest, Berlin, Hamburg, Buenos Aires, Valparaiso and Cape Town. Engage with urban development and design in Sydney You will engage with Sydney as part of the MUDD Program's commitment to understanding our city as a continuing case study in urban development. Through advanced studios on issues such as waterfront development, urban infrastructure, urban consolidation, urban centres, urban conservation and neighbourhood design, the relative degree of transparency in the making of the Australian city provides deep grounding in urban development processes. Be connected to a global network Our network of MUDD graduates extends across the world from Australia to Asia, the Americas and Europe. This interactive network allows you to communicate and share the latest developments in our field. Benefit from multidisciplinary learning As a post-professional program, MUDD is based on multi-disciplinary learning, integrating knowledge and skills from Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning, Engineering, Urban Economics, Property Development and cultural studies.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate advanced critical thinking and problem solving skills applicable to the challenges of contemporary urban development and design
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Collaborate responsibly, to reflect on their own contributions to teamwork, and on the team's processes and ability to achieve outcomes.
  • Professionals
  • Global Citizens
Prepare design proposals and written documents that are clear, coherent and concise, and use media appropriate to audience, purpose and context
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Identify, analyse and master complex issues in urban development and design, and generate robust, innovative design guidelines and proposals based on evidence and research.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Locate, select, and synthesise knowledge of the theory and practice of urban development and design, and apply this knowledge to the challenge of city-making in Australian and international contexts.
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
Synthesize and communicate advanced principles of urban development and design clearly, concisely and effectively.
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
Identify and assess ethical, environmental, cultural and sustainability considerations in urban development and design practice.
  • Global Citizens
Demonstrate personal accountability, cultural awareness, a respect for diversity, and environmental and social responsibility in their practice of urban development and design.
  • Global Citizens

Program Structure
72 Units of Credit:

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements
Special Admission Requirements

Program Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning
Progression Requirements


Articulation Arrangements

Graduate Certificate in The Built Environment - GradCertBEnv7131 - Built Environment
Master of Urban Development and Design (Extension) - MUDD(Ext)8141 - Urban Develop & Design (Ext)

Professional Outcomes

Professional Recognition
Career Opportunities

Recognition of Achievement

Award with Excellence
For more information, please visit:
The Award with Excellence is awarded in coursework masters programs, including Masters (Extension) but with the exception of Masters (Extended) such as JD and MD, when a Weighted Average Mean (WAM) of at least 80% has been achieved and at least 50% of the requirements of the award are completed at UNSW. All eligible programs will award 'with Excellence' except in special circumstances where approval of Academic Board has been given for a program to opt out.

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

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