In a multi-dimensional society there is a need for groups to work together to deliver projects. These groups either need tobuild consensus for their decisions or vote by a majority. Examples include leadership committees, investigations andBoards. They are are often led by a chair or a facilitator. The role and … For more content click the Read More button below.
This course provides an exploration of the different contexts within which facilitation is used. It looks then at the role oflaw in some of the contexts and the skills and tools that are required for anyone wanting to practice in the area. It is atheoretical course with exercises to provide an opportunity for practical application. This course includes an exploration ofthe following topics:
Main Topics
An overview of facilitation, what are the cultural underpinnings and groups –how do they work and what is important to understand when working with a group or being part of a groupBoards, committees, the role of the chair, and the decision making processPsychological ‘Type” and groups; how do groups work, how are individuals types (such as MBTI) exhibited in a group environment and the implications for change management, and adult learning principalThe application of facilitation in managing disputes in an Aboriginal context. An exploration of land based disputes and cultural paradigmsConflict and groups – from bullying in schools to sentencing circles the application of transformative justice and appropriate dispute resolution.
Conditions for Enrolment
72 UOC of JURD courses
Exclusion Courses
Course Outline
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