Advanced Intellectual Property Policy and Practice - LAWS3057

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: Faculty of Law

Course Outline: See below

Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3

Enrolment Requirements:

Prerequisite: Completion of 78 UOC in LAWS courses. Co-requisite: Foundations of Intellectual Property Law (LAWS3021/JURD7321) or Intellectual Property Law (LAWS8017/JURD7617).

Equivalent: JURD7357

CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable


This is a course for students who have already learned the fundamentals of intellectual property law. It offers students the opportunity to explore some contentious areas of interest, debate and policy development within intellectual property law (e.g. trade mark counterfeiting and copyright piracy; the interplay of marketing, branding and trade marks; issues surrounding bio-prospecting and ownership of genetic material; and access to essential medicines), as well as introducing practical issues graduates are likely to confront if they practice in the area (such as franchising; portfolio management; criminal offences; registration practice and strategies; parallel importation; geographical indications). The course provides a solid general knowledge of relevant issues and skills for students wishing to practice in intellectual property law, and a good grounding in intellectual property research for students considering writing a thesis or undertaking postgraduate studies in this area.

Main Topics
  • Intellectual Property theory and the legal application of conceptual issues in intellectual property law (e.g. copyright’s concepts of authorship/originality/idea-expression dichotomy/substantiality)
  • Politics of Intellectual Property (Australian and global)
  • Indigenous ‘intellectual property’ systems and alternatives to contemporary international (TRIPS based) intellectual property standards (e.g. Open Source software models)
  • Intellectual propertization: How far should the expansion of intellectual property laws go?
  • Enforcement issues: Trade mark counterfeiting and copyright piracy; criminal offences in intellectual property law (incl. Australian Customs procedures)
  • Intellectual property, marketing and branding practice (including character merchandising and personality rights)
  • Intellectual property, bio-prospecting and owning life
  • Intellectual Property and Access to Essential Medicines
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to intellectual property (e.g. marketing, sociological, economics)
  • Contract law in intellectual property practice; Licensing Agreements (incl. compulsory licensing and technology transfer), Copyright Permissions & Franchising
  • Intellectual Property Portfolio management
  • Trade mark Registration practice and procedure (incl. registration strategies); Overview of patent registration practice and procedure (including drafting/interpreting claims/specifications
  • Parallel importation and Exhaustion in Australian and international copyright and trademark law
  • Geographical Indications and related law
  • Adopting integrated Intellectual Property Strategies pre- and post- dispute (incl. Copyright/Designs Overlap; litigating trade mark law alongside passing off and s.18 ACL actions).
More information can be found on the Course Outline Website.