Law in the Global Context - LAWS2270
Faculty: Faculty of Law
School: Faculty of Law
Course Outline: See below
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 4
Enrolment Requirements:
Prerequisite: Equity and Trusts (LAWS2385). This course is open ONLY to the students who commenced their program after 2013.
Excluded: JURD7270, JURD7571, LAWS3271
CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
Law in the Global Context is a core course that responds to the changing nature of law in Australia and around the world - namely the increasing interdependence of legal systems and the infusion of international law into Australian law and institutions. The course introduces students to various areas of law having an international dimension, in particular public international law, private international law, comparative law and transnational law. It will concentrate on key themes and emerging trends in these areas through case studies and in depth consideration of the law in action. It will also specifically introduce students to the interaction of 'global law' with the different branches of Australian law studied in other compulsory courses. The course will instil in students an appreciation of the essential notions that underpin international, transnational and comparative law, such as sovereignty, private international law, and transplantation of law. Students will additionally undergo a series of tutorials on researching and writing about law in a global context.
More information can be found on the Course Outline Website.
More information can be found on the Course Outline Website.