Children and the Law - LAWS3392 |
DescriptionThis course covers a wide range of legal issues that affect children. Topics include child development, theories of children's rights, legal representation of children, juvenile justice, care and protection, the Stolen Generation, domestic and inter-country adoption, child care, education, international child abduction, child soldiers, children and the built environment and consent to medical treatment. The course will be taught in a small group with significant student participation, allowing students the opportunity to develop their ideas and their ability to analyse issues critically. There are a number of guest lecturers who work with children and are able to give students an insight into the current debates in children's policy, as well as demonstrating how students can work with children on the completion of their law degree. There is an excursion to the Children's Court. Assessment is by way of class participation and a long research essay on a topic of the student's choice.
Relationship to other course offerings and the overall program(s) in the discipline: There is no pre-requisite for this course, however for students with an interest in Family Law, Criminal Law, Criminology, Torts, Human Rights or International Law, this course allows further exploration of those areas with specific reference to children. Recommended Prior KnowledgeNone.
Course ObjectivesStudents are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:
Main Topics
Note: These topics are subject to change if necessary to accommodate guest lecturers.
AssessmentCompulsory, non-maximisable class participation: 20%
Research essay: 80% Course TextsPrescribed Recommended |