Foundations of Law - LAWS1052 |
DescriptionFoundations of Law has two parts, a graded Coursework component and a Research component that is assessed on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. The Coursework component of the course introduces students to the current structure, operation and historical origins of the Australian legal system, as well as to some of the key concepts in the law of torts (the law of civil wrongs). The Research component provides students with an introduction to the tools and methods of legal research.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeNone
Course ObjectivesThis course aims to provide students with:
Main Topics
AssessmentClass participation (20%)
Court Observation Assignment or Applied Research Exercise (10%) Extended Case-note (40%) Final Exam (30%) Course TextsPrescribed
Strongly Recommended: Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary, 3rd ed, LexisNexis Australia, 2004
Suggested preliminary reading: Brogan, M & Spencer, D Surviving Law School, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, 2008
Chisholm, R & Nettheim, G Understanding Law, 7th ed, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2007; OR Harlow, C Understanding Tort Law, 3rd ed, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 ResourcesRefer to the course outline prior to the beginning of the relevant semester.