Funds Management, Superannuation and Insurance - JURD7399
Faculty: Faculty of Law
School: Faculty of Law
Course Outline: See below
Campus: Sydney
Career: Postgraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 2
Enrolment Requirements:
Pre-requisites: Equity & Trusts (LAWS2385/JURD7285) or Property & Equity 1 (LAWS2381/JURD7281) and Business Associations (LAWS1091/LAWS2010/JURD7224).
Excluded: LAWS8099
CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
The course focuses on providing a comprehensive and practical examination of the regulatory framework governing the Managed Investment, Superannuation and Insurance industries and related compliance issues. The course is presented in such a way as to develop an understanding of the interrelationship between these industries. The course is designed both for those who unfamiliar with, and those with practical knowledge of the financial services sector and of the regulatory framework governing this industry. The course will address topical issues faced by industry participants, including the increasing convergence of these industries.
Course Objectives
This course aims to develop a high level of practical knowledge of financial service regulation by studying the operation of the regulatory framework for financial services in specific areas, and a more general study of the operation of the overall regulatory framework for financial services. The course also aims to develop the skills that are needed to apply the law regulating financial services in order to solve legal problems.
Main Topics
The course deals with the operation the regulatory framework for financial services in the following specific areas:
- Managed investment schemes
- Regulatory framework for superannuation
- Compliance in financial services
- Legal framework for insurance
Secondly, the course deals more generally with the operation of the overall regulatory framework for financial services. The course develops knowledge about the practical operation of regulation by:
- Focusing on topical and practical issues
- Considering the increasing convergence of regulation in this area of law
- Reviewing the operation of the Financial Services Reform Act
Please refer to the Course Outline for assessment information.