Asia Pacific Migrant/Refugee Rights Intern Program - JURD7360 |
DescriptionThe Asia Pacific Migrant and Refugee Rights Internship Program is a clinical program within the Australian Human Rights Centre’s Migrant and Refugee Rights Project. Students will gain practical experience in multifaceted approaches to human rights litigation and advocacy in both domestic and international settings, in collaboration with non-government organisations and law clinics in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. The program aims to strengthen students’ research, writing, advocacy, and problem-solving skills through work on specific litigation or advocacy projects addressing issues such as immigration detention, policing of immigration, national security, access to justice and the protection of social and economic rights.
Recommended Prior KnowledgePre-requisites:
Litigation 1 and Litigation 2 Legal Research and Writing Law, Lawyers and Society International Law, International Human Rights and Advocacy, Refugee Law or similar subject. Objectives
Main TopicsStudents will work on specific litigation or advocacy projects to advance the human rights of migrants and refugees/asylum seekers in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Projects will address issues such as immigration detention, policing of immigration, national security, access to justice and the protection of social and economic rights. TeacherBassina Farbenblum, Australian Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law, UNSW.
AssessmentAssessment will be on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis and will consist of satisfactory completion of:
Course TextsRecommended
ResourcesRefer to the course outline which will be provided by the lecturer at the beginning of the relevant semester.