Intellectual Property 2 - JURD7448 |
DescriptionThis course focuses on three aspects of Australian IP law. The first is the law of patents, which protects inventions and new innovations. It will cover the acquisition, ownership, exploitation and enforcement of patent rights and look at emerging issues such as the protection of biotechnology. The second is the action for breach of confidence, which protects of trade secrets and personal information. The third is the legal protection of business reputation, which includes the law of registered trade marks and related doctrines such as the tort of passing off. The requirements for registering marks, infringement and defences, and the elements of passing off will be canvassed, as will policy debates over the scope of legal protection.
Please be aware that students who take JURD7448 Intellectual Property 2 and/or JURD7446 Intellectual Property 1 will not be able to take JURD7321 Foundations of Intellectual Property Law and/or JURD7357 Advanced Intellectual Property Policy and Practice. Similarly, students who take Foundations of Intellectual Property Law and/or Advanced Intellectual Property Policy and Practice will not be able to take either Intellectual Property 1 or Intellectual Property 2. Recommended Prior Knowledgenone.
Course Objectives
Main Topics
AssessmentResearch Essay (3,000 words) - 50% Course TextsPrescribed casebook J. McKeough, K. Bowrey & P. Griffith, Intellectual Property Commentary and Materials (4th ed) (Sydney, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2007).
Recommended textbook ResourcesRefer to the course outline which will be provided by the lecturer at the beginning of the relevant semester.