Digital Media Regulation - JURD7429 |
DescriptionThis course examines a range of regulatory approaches which have traditionally been used to regulate broadcasting, and through comparative analysis considers contemporary issues affecting the policy and regulation of broadcasting. An underlying theme of the course is how current developments, technological, economic and regulatory, are affecting fundamental assumptions about the role of broadcasting regulation and the regulatory design. Broadcasting regulation is a vast, complex and fast-changing area. In a one semester subject, we can only touch the surface. However, by examining different aspects of broadcasting regulation, it is hoped that you will gain an insight into the challenges and importance of designing appropriate regulation for broadcasting.
LLM SpecialisationMedia, Communications and Information Technology Law.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeNone
Course ObjectivesHaving successfully completed this course, you should:
Main Topics
Course TextsPrescribed Recommended
None ResourcesA set of printed materials will be available.