Corporate Governance - JURD7428 |
DescriptionCorporate Governance deals with a group of topics concerning the governance of the publicly held corporation. It assumes and builds upon foundational studies in corporate law to explore in greater depth the principles and practices that shape sound corporate governance.
LLM SpecialisationsCorporate and Commercial Law; Corporate, Commercial and Taxation Law.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeNone
Course ObjectivesThe course seeks to develop an understanding of policy, practices, theory and doctrine concerning the governance of business corporations. It seeks to know, to understand and to appraise. Its aim is to ensure that students understand the ideas and policies behind corporate governance and the best practices and policies of those engaged in its application. A second objective is to strengthen critical and analytical legal writing skills and a third to reinforce techniques of legal research.
Main Topics
AssessmentResearch Essay (5000-7000 words) 70%
Essay Synopsis (1000 words) 20% Class Participation 10% Course TextsPrescribed
Refer to the Course Outline provided by the lecturer prior to the start of the relevant semester.
ResourcesRefer to the Course Outline provided by the lecturer prior to the start of the relevant semester.