Public Interest Internship Program - JURD7308 |
DescriptionThe Law Faculty Public Interest Internship Program affords students the opportunity to undertake, for course credit, internships in selected Public Interest Host Organisations. The focus of the Program is on experiential learning. Students will work under the supervision of both the Host Organisation and the Faculty, and will obtain training and practical experience in research, writing and advocacy on aspects of policy and practice relating to any area of public interest law. This program is only offered to students who have completed all, or the majority of core courses.
Interns are required to attend at their Partner Organisation for the equivalent of one day each week over 13 weeks, by arrangement between the intern and the Partner Organisation and confirmed with the Program Coordinator. Interns are also required to attend Program Seminars held at the Law school during each session. The seminars are designed to promote discussion and reflection on a range of issues that may arise during the course of the internship – for example, legal, professional, ethical and personal issues. They will also address the application of skills such as legal research, legal writing, advocacy and interviewing. Recommended Prior KnowledgeParticipation in the Program is by competitive application. Selection and allocation of participants is the joint responsibility of the Program Coordinator and the Partner Organisations. Applications are open to Combined Law and Graduate Law students who have completed all, or the majority of core courses. Students can apply for both a Social Justice Internship (LAWS2307) and a Public Interest Internship (LAWS2308) but cannot undertake both internships in the same or consecutive semesters. It cannot be taken in the same semester as the student is completing one of the three Clinical Legal Education courses offered by Kingsford Legal Centre.
Course ObjectivesAt the end of this course, students should:
Course TextsPrescribed Recommended ResourcesA number of resources will be made available on WebCT for this course including the course outline, reading materials and information related to the administration of the internship.