Advanced Criminal Law - JURD7302 |
DescriptionBuilds upon the introduction to criminal law and process in the compulsory core curriculum. Topics vary from year to year depending on current developments. The focus is on recent statute and case law, and current research developments in criminalisation, law and order politics, criminal responsibility, defences, criminal process and sentencing.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeJURD7101 Criminal Law 1 and JURD7111 Criminal Law 2
Course ObjectivesThis course provides an opportunity for students to further explore issues of current importance in criminal law. The course builds on understandings gained in Criminal Laws 1 and 2 and uses a number of representative topics to develop a detailed understanding of the principles and political pressures that shape criminal law and an examination of theoretical and philosophical perspectives on the criminal law.
Main TopicsIn 2010 the topics to be discussed are likely to include:
AssessmentReflective notes (3 x 300 words): 20% Course TextsPrescribed A course reader will be available from the UNSW Bookshop
ResourcesRefer to the course outline which will be provided by the lecturer at the beginning of the relevant semester.