Property, Equity & Trusts 1 - JURD7281 |
DescriptionProperty, Equity and Trusts 1 is one of the compulsory "core" courses of the law program. The chief aim of the course is to provide students with a sound understanding of the fundamental principles of land law and the role that equitable doctrine (and in particular, the trust) play in moulding and developing property law. Students will be expected to come to grips with key common law principles, examine and appreciate the role of equitable doctrine, and understand the legislative framework and its application where applicable.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeJURD7171 Contracts 1 and JURD7172 Contracts 2
Course ObjectivesOn completion of this course students should be able to:
Main Topics
Course TextsPrescribed case book (Property)
PLUS (Equity Textbook)
Recommended Property Text
Please see Course Outline for a more detailed list of other recommended books.