Torts - JURD7161 |
DescriptionThis course covers the part of the law of torts which covers the law determining liability to pay compensation for wrongfully caused injury, damage or loss. Our study of the law of torts focuses largely on personal injury caused by negligence, though there are many other torts, some of which are dealt with in other courses. In particular the course covers the scope and function of the law of torts and the principles governing selected torts, notably negligence and tort of breach of statutory duty, including remedies for them.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeThis course assumes knowledge of nuisance, and trespass to land and goods which are covered in the course JURD7152 Foundations of Law.
Course Objectives
Main Topics
AssessmentClass participation (including scrapbook) - 10%
Mid-session problem and essay assignment - 50% Exam - 40% Course TextsPrescribed
Recommended ResourcesRefer to Course Outline provided by lecturer.