Law, Lawyers & Society - JURD7110 |
DescriptionThis course is a course in applied legal ethics. It examines the different values, rules and regulations that affect legal practice. Students will (1) learn to identify the values, rules and norms that lawyers should apply in practice; (2) judge what roles lawyers do play in society and the justice system, and what roles lawyers ought to play; (3) identify and begin to develop the skills necessary for ethical practice. The course considers the lawyer-client relationship, the regulatory framework governing legal practice including the role of self-regulation, the role of lawyers as advocates including the responsibility of lawyers for access to justice and the special duties and roles of the criminal defence lawyer, the prosecutor, and the public interest lawyer.
Recommended Prior KnowledgeNone
Course ObjectivesThis course will teach students to:
Main Topics
AssessmentClass participation - 10%
Kingsford Legal Centre report - 15% Seminar presentation and handout - 15% Take home exam - 60% Course TextsPrescribed Recommended |