
The Materials Science Honours stream introduces undergraduate students to the principles and practice of materials research. Students in Materials Science Honours undertake a supervised research project (MATS4505 Materials Science Honours Project (12UOC) over three terms) that places emphasis on the development of advanced disciplinary knowledge, the use of scientific research … For more content click the Read More button below. The learning and teaching philosophy underpinning Honours in Materials Science is that students take on their ‘role as a researcher’ to develop these knowledge and skills with some degree of independence. Students are expected to formulate their project rationale, objectives, literature survey, and project management plan, done formally in MATS4504 Research Training (6UOC), then undertake and complete the work in a timely manner over one term. In most cases the project will involve substantial experimental work and this is usually done within established research groups in the School as well as in collaboration with other groups in the University and elsewhere. The principal form of teaching is based on research supervision and direction by specialist researchers within the School of Materials Science and Engineering. Complementing this, students must complete MATS4503 Professional Skills (6UOC) which includes formal training in professional communication, writing skills, project planning, data analysis, intellectual property, and risk management and workplace safety. Learning outcomes from this Honours stream will form the basis for future pursuits in materials science research but are also highly relevant for many other professions - both within the materials industry, but also in many other related yet diverse fields. The School offers a wide variety of student research projects in the Materials Science discipline including topics on synthesis and production of advanced materials, materials recycling, functional materials, sustainable materials, advanced surface coatings, electrical materials, biomedical materials, physical metallurgy, process metallurgy, etc. Most students would complete Honours as full-time students, where the program is completed over three consecutive terms. Part-time study is also possible depending on availability of supervision and suitable projects. Most students commence their enrolment in Term 1 (February) but Term 3 (September) entry is available. Students should check the Materials Science website for current enrolment deadlines, and assessment and completion dates.

Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) - BAdvSci(Hons)3962 - Advanced Science (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) - BSc(Hons)4500 - Science (Honours)

Specialisation Structure

Students must complete 48 UOC.

Core Courses12 Units of Credit:
Research Project36 Units of Credit:

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Additional Information


A student’s Honours mark is the Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of the marks obtained in MATS4503 Professional Skills (6 UOC), MATS4504 Research Training (6 UOC) and MATS4505 Materials Science Honours Project (total 36 UOC).

A guide to allocation of Honours classes and what is expected of students within the School of Materials Science and Engineering is as follows:

Final Mark >85 (Honours Class 1)
Work of superior quality in all aspects of research, scientific writing, and oral presentation, demonstrating the ability to organise information in a clear and concise manner, the integration of information from a wide range of sources and containing clear examples of excellent critical evaluation.

Final Mark 75-84 (Honours Class 2.1)
Work of very good quality in all aspects of research, scientific writing, and oral presentation, but showing lesser ability to organise information in a clear and concise manner, integrate information from range of sources and critically evaluate the literature and research data.

Final Mark 65-74 (Honours Class 2.2)
Good quality in all aspects of research, scientific writing, and oral presentation but with inadequacies in understanding, critical skills, organisation and presentation.

Final Mark 50-64 (Honours Class 3)
Adequate quality work with significant deficiencies in understanding, critical skills, organisation and presentation.

Admission Requirements

The Materials Science Honours stream in Program 4500 Science (Honours) is available to all students who have met the entry requirements outlined below and is typically offered to 3970 Science, 3987 Science International and 3925 Science and Business students at UNSW who have completed a Materials Science major including students enrolled in dual program combinations with these Science programs (see the UNSW Online Handbook for details). Exceptions to these requirements will only be permitted with the consent of the Head of School or nominee (Honours Coordinator). External students should provide evidence of equivalent study and will require approval of the Head of School or nominee (Honours Coordinator).

Other requirements for entry to Honours in Materials Science are as shown below:

  • A credit average (≥65% WAM) for all undergraduate Science courses.
  • A credit average for all Level II and III courses in the Materials Science major.
  • An applicant with an overall WAM of between 60 to 64 will require the permission of the Head of School to enrol in Honours in Materials Science.

Admission Process

Students who meet the entry requirements should make contact with potential supervisors aligning with their interests and discuss undertaking Honours with them. Supervisors and potential projects can also be found on the Materials Science website. Potential students should then apply for acceptance into the stream and, following receipt of an offer of acceptance, proceed with enrolment. Application and Enrolment procedures are described on the Materials Science website. Students accepted into the program will receive an offer of acceptance letter from the Honours Coordinator, and can then proceed with full enrolment.


Materials Science Honours graduates are well qualified to work in any materials or associated research area. Graduates find employment in the public or private sectors in a diverse range of areas such as product development, materials characterisation and testing, quality control, materials sustainability and recycling, energy usage, environmental management, materials consulting, innovation, etc.

Students who successfully complete Materials Science Honours are qualified to continue further in their research careers by undertaking postgraduate studies by research (Masters or PhD level). Students with successful Honours are qualified to enrol in a PhD program at UNSW. Students achieving a high Honours Grade (Class 1 or 2.1) may apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) PhD scholarship to support such studies.

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