
A major in Econometrics consists of 60 UOC (10 courses). This is regardless of whether you are doing a single major or taking Econometrics as a second major. All courses are specified below.

Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Bachelor of Economics - BEc3543 - Economics

Specialisation Structure

Students must complete 60 UOC.

Core Courses List A36 Units of Credit:
Core Courses List B (Econometrics)24 Units of Credit:
Electives for students also taking Economics major
Minimum Level 3 content

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Additional Information


Honours level study is available for Econometrics students. For students wishing to consider taking Honours and taking the Econometrics major the following courses would also be recommended as a good preparation for Honours:

Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the relevant Honours stream record for entry requirements.

Further Information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change. 
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for pre-2019 program requirements.

Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
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Frequently asked questions

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)