
Geography is the study of both the physical and human environments in which we live and the interactions between people and nature. Geography provides a bridge between the social and natural sciences. It provides students with the techniques to analyse our environment and society, including Geographic Information Systems and Remote … For more content click the Read More button below. Level I Geography In both Level I courses, an integrative approach is developed to the understanding of environmental processes and human activities that take place on the surface of the earth. Level II Geography In Level II Geography, students can begin to specialise in the systematic branches of the discipline, either human or physical geography, or take courses that integrate both human and physical geography or focus on geographic methods. Level III Geography While there is no specified assumed knowledge for Level III Geography courses, it is generally expected that students will have completed some Level II Geography before enrolling in Level III. Students who have not done this should discuss their intended enrolment with the Head of School or Geography Discipline Coordinator.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have developed a broad working knowledge of the principles and theories of Geography, its broad application and interdisciplinary context.
  • Scholars
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have developed the ability to present Geographically relevant problems and formulate experimental use of theories and application of methods based on sound research methodology.
  • Scholars
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have developed the skills to apply scientific and/or socially scientific method to Geography laboratory-based work, field work, problem-solving, and theoretical research.
  • Scholars
  • Global citizens
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have developed capabilities to communicate effectively and appropriately in a professional context (intra and inter disciplinary), or in a broader social context.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have demonstrated the ability to positively contribute to collaborative, open-minded, conceptually informed scientific research.
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have demonstrated the ability to make appropriate and effective use of information and technology relevant to Geography.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have demonstrated professional motivation and a capacity for creativity, responsibility for their own learning and long-term intellectual development.
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
At the successful conclusion of the geography major, students would have developed capacities to ethically utilise scientific and social science methodology and theory, and Geographical knowledge to reflect critically upon its broad ethical and societal value.
  • Scholars
  • Professionals

Available in Program(s)
Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:

Bachelor of Arts - BA4400 - Arts
Bachelor of Science - BSc4410 - Science
Bachelor of Arts - BA4461 - Arts (CDF)
Bachelor of Science - BSc4463 - Science (CDF)

Specialisation Structure

Students must complete 48 UOC.

Level 1 Core Courses12 Units of Credit:
Level 2 Core Courses18 Units of Credit:
Level 2 Field School Requirement
Level 3 Field School Requirement

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Additional Information

Double-Major Combinations

For double-major combinations with Geography, please refer to the Recommended Double Major Combinations listed within this site.

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)