Learning Outcomes
Articulate linguistic theories and core analytical approaches relevant to the study of living languages.
- Scholars
Describe the place of language and linguistic theory in the interdisciplinary study of communication, cognition, society and/or culture
- Global Citizens
- Scholars
Identify diverse approaches to the scientific study of language through the critical evaluation of the relationship between linguistic data and linguistic theory.
- Professionals
- Scholars
Undertake rigorous and engaged scholarly enquiry and analysis
- Scholars
- Professionals
Collaborate effectively with others.
- Professionals
- Leaders
Demonstrate intercultural responsiveness
- Global Citizens
Communicate and debate complex ideas in a range of different contexts using a variety of suitable media
- Professionals
- Leaders
- Scholars
Exhibit initiative and self-direction
- Leaders
- Professionals
Critically and creatively employ disciplinary bodies of knowledge and appraise disciplinary perspectives in professional practice and/or scholarship.
- Professionals
- Scholars
Justify a position in relation to foundational aspects of society, culture and/or the arts
- Global Citizens
- Professionals
- Scholars
Engage proactively with complex problems in professional practice and/or scholarship.
- Scholars
- Professionals
Continuously acquire knowledge and skills and reflect on existing knowledge and skills for personal and career fulfilment.
- Professionals
- Leaders
- Scholars
Act ethically, respectfully and responsibly
- Professionals
- Scholars
- Global Citizens
Available in Program(s) Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:
Bachelor of Arts - BA3409 - Arts
Bachelor of Psychological Science - BPsychSc3435 - Psychological Science
Bachelor of Arts and Business - BArts (Bus)3444 - Arts and Business
Specialisation Structure60 Units of Credit:
Students must complete 60 UOC.
The major in Linguistics must not be taken as it is not an approved teaching specialisation.
Level 1 Core Courses
You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.
Level 2 Core Courses
You must take 12 UOC of the following courses.
Level 3 Core Courses
You must take 18 UOC of the following courses.
Level 2 Prescribed Electives
You must take 18 UOC of the following courses.
Bachelor of Psychological Science (3435)
If you are a Bachelor of Psychological Science student, you only need to complete 54 UOC of Linguistics courses consisting of 12 UOC at Level 1, 24 UOC at Level 2 (including ARTS2692 and ARTS2694) and 18 UOC at Level 3. You then must take PSYC3311 Language and Cognition, which … For more content click the Read More button below.
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)