Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate coherent and advanced ability to compose, draft, and revise an extended piece of creative writing
Demonstrate cognitive skills that review, analyse, consolidate and synthesize knowledge and practice in Creative Writing
Demonstrate intellectual independence and critical capacity in identifying complex issues in the field of Creative Writing
Ability to engage with debates in literary and textual studies, including familiarity with relevant theories, methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches
Demonstrate an ability to adapt knowledge and skills in Creative Writing to diverse contexts
Demonstrate initiative and judgement in the scholarship and practice of Creative Writing
Ability to undertake independent research and manage an original research project, demonstrating responsibility and accountability for own learning
Demonstrate communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas in Creative Writing to a variety of audiences
Construct a research project in Creative that demonstrates technical skills in research and design and is reflective of principles of creative practice as research
Construct a research project in Creative Writing that demonstrates critical thinking and judgement and reflects advanced understanding of tasks and outcomes
Available in Program(s) Single degree program(s) in which this specialisation is available:
Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences (Honours) - BASS (Hons)4504 - Arts & Social Sciences (Hons)
Specialisation Structure48 Units of Credit:
Students must complete 48 UOC.
Core Courses
You must take 18 UOC of the following courses.
Note: ARTS4202 (12 UOC) is taught as a multi-term course at 6 UOC each term.
Thesis or Project
You must take 30 UOC of the following courses.
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)