
The Bachelor of Science (Honours) program in Computer Science and Engineering is a 1 year full-time or 2 year part-time award undertaken by eligible students after completion of a 3 year Bachelor of Science program in a relevant discipline and offers students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the … For more content click the Read More button below. The goals of the program are to: Provide advanced training to enable graduates to competently undertake sophisticated computing tasks in industry and commerce.Provide investigative academic training in preparation for undertaking postgraduate research, through Masters and PhD programs. In attaining these goals the following objectives are considered important: To expand the scope and depth of training, by coursework, in chosen areas.To foster the development of personal initiative and group interaction by encouraging individual and cooperative investigation of topics of interest.To foster the development of creativity and project management by the planning and undertaking of significant project work in the form of a research thesis.To promote the development of verbal and written presentation skills.To provide an environment for open and free enquiry based on the accepted tenets of academic scepticism.To expose students to the rigour and excitement of novel enquiry.

Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate cognitive skills that review, analyse, consolidate and synthesize knowledge
  • Global citizens
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
Identify and formulate solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
Construct a research project that demonstrates critical thinking and judgement in developing new understanding
  • Global citizens
  • Leaders
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
Construct a research project that demonstrates technical skills in research and design
  • Scholars
  • Global citizens
  • Professionals
Demonstrate an ability to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts
  • Scholars
  • Leaders
  • Global citizens
Demonstrate initiative and judgement in scholarship
  • Scholars
  • Professionals
Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for own learning and practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters
  • Professionals
  • Scholars
Demonstrate communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences
  • Scholars
  • Global citizens
  • Professionals
Demonstrate a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts in computer science and/or bioinformatics, with advanced understanding in some areas
  • Scholars
  • Professionals

Program Structure

Students must complete 48 UOC when taken as a standalone program.

Students must complete the following:

  1. COMP4961 Computer Science Thesis A (6 UOC)
  2. COMP4962 Computer Science Thesis B (6 UOC)
  3. COMP4963 Computer Science Thesis C (6 UOC)
  4. COMP electives level 4 or higher (30 UOC)

Specialisation Requirements

Enrolment Disclaimer

Please note that this Handbook is a comprehensive catalogue of our offerings and includes courses that can be taken to satisfy program requirements irrespective as to their availability for a particular year. Availability of courses is best checked using filters on this site or on the class timetable site.

You are responsible for ensuring that you enrol in courses according to your program requirements and by following the advice of your Program Authority. myUNSW enrolment checks that you have met enrolment requirements such as pre-requisites for individual courses but not that you are enrolling in courses that will count towards your program requirements.

Sample Programs

To access sample program(s), please visit:

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements

Program Requirements

Progression Requirements

Progression rules are in accordance with university policy.

For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression

Professional Outcomes


Australian Computer Society

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Honours Classes

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)