The Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences (Honours) is a 48 UOC (one year equivalent) advanced undergraduate degree for high achieving students which may be taken upon completion of an undergraduate pass degree in Arts, International Studies or Social Research and Policy. A student undertaking this program will normally complete … For more content click the Read More button below.
The aims of the BASS (Hons) are:
To further develop the disciplinary skills acquired by students in their major stream of study (AQF Level 7). In particular, to inculcate higher-order research skills in critical thinking, reflection and analysis.To understand relevant disciplinary methods and approaches and their assumptions, and to apply them in research.To deepen disciplinary-specific knowledge and to understand its theoretical frameworks and contexts of application. To apply such knowledge while considering, where appropriate, interdisciplinary perspectives, historical and comparative frameworks, and world-views of other times, places, and cultures.To appreciate the place of ethics in private and public life and to interrogate disciplinary frameworks, assumptions and processes in light of ethical values.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate coherent and advanced knowledge of the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines, and knowledge of research principles and methods
Demonstrate cognitive skills that review, analyse, consolidate and synthesize knowledge
Identify and formulate solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence
Demonstrate a broad understanding of a body of knowledge and theoretical concepts with advanced understanding in some areas
Demonstrate an ability to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse contexts
Demonstrate initiative and judgement in scholarship
Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for own learning and practice and in collaboration with others within broad parameters
Demonstrate communication skills to present a clear and coherent exposition of knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences
Construct a research project that demonstrates technical skills in research and design
Construct a research project that demonstrates critical thinking and judgement in developing new understanding
Program Structure48 Units of Credit:
Students must complete 48 UOC as a standalone program.
- Coursework (18 UOC)
- Thesis/Research project (30 UOC)
You must complete one of the follow specialisations:
Sample Programs
To access sample program(s), please visit:
Admission Requirements
Entry Requirements
Program Requirements
Progression Requirements
Post Graduate
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1271 - Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1272 - Social Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD1273 - Creative Practice
Master of Arts - MA2353 - Arts
Recognition of Achievement
University Medal
Honours Classes
Additional Information
Further Information
Contact the UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Student Services for advice.
Program Fees
At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:
Pre-2019 Handbook Editions
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