Stand Alone Programs
Double Degree Structure192 Units of Credit:
Students must complete 192 UOC.
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics degree normally consists of 192 UOC.
These UOC are made up of:
1. Level 1 Actuarial Studies Core Courses (54 UOC)
2. ECON1401 (6 UOC)
3. Level 2 Actuarial Core Courses (18 UOC) (Please note: ACTL2131 may be substituted by MATH2901 and MATH2931, please see below)
4. Level 3 Actuarial Studies Electives (18 UOC)
5. Economics major (36 UOC) (Please note: ECON1101 and ECON1102 are completed within the Level 1 Core Courses. ECON1202 and ECON1203 are substituted by MATH1151 and MATH1251 within the Level 1 Core Courses)
6. Economics Electives (12 UOC)
7. Business School Electives (36 UOC)
8. General Education (12 UOC)
- 3588 - Actuarial Studies / Economics
- 3586 - Actuarial Studies
- 3543 - Economics
Actuarial Studies Majors3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students may elect to complete ACTLE1 or MATHE1 in addition to their Actuarial Studies program requirements.
Students completing these majors will still need to complete the program requirements such as Level 1 and 2 core course as well as Level 3 electives.
These majors will require UOC to be taken from Business School electives and/or General Education courses. Please see the Progression Plans and consult the Business School Student Centre if you are interested in completing either of these majors.
Optional Additional Major/Minor3586 - Actuarial Studies
Completion of an additional major is optional. Students may choose a maximum of one specialisations listed below.
Please note: Completion of an additional major within a combined Actuarial Studies degree may result in more UOC required for degree completion.
Students in Actuarial Studies/Economics cannot complete an additional ECON-coded major/minor. They must complete ECONA1, ECONJ1 or ECONE1 to meet their Economics requirements. Similarly, students in Actuarial Studies/Information Systems cannot complete INFSA1 or INFSA2 as an additional major/minor.
Economics Majors3543 - Economics
Students must complete at least one of the specialisations below.
Please note: If you choose to study a 2nd Economics major, you must choose another 6 courses (36 UOC) from the second major that do not overlap with the first major.
Level 1 Core Courses3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must take 54 UOC of the following courses.
Level 2 Core Courses3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must take 18 UOC of the following courses.
Students may replace ACTL2131 with the two courses MATH2901 Higher Theory of Statistics and MATH2931 Higher Linear Models. If students make this replacement, MATH2901 will count towards ACTL2131, and MATH2931 will be counted towards a major where this course is required or as a Business elective.
Economics Core Course3543 - Economics
Students must take 6 UOC of the following courses.
Please Note: ECON1101 must be completed before ECON1401. ECON1401 cannot be counted towards an Economics major.
Level 3 Actuarial Electives3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must complete 18 UOC of the following courses.
Economics Electives3543 - Economics
Students must complete 12 UOC of Economics electives or accepted substitutes of Economics electives to ensure a student completes a minimum of 78 UOC of Economics courses.
Business Elective3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students in the combined Actuarial Studies/Commerce dual degree must complete 42-48 UOC of Business School electives overall depending on the Commerce major.
Students in the combined Actuarial Studies/Economics dual degree must complete 36 UOC of Business School electives overall.
Students Students in the combined Actuarial Studies/Information Systems dual degree must complete 18 UOC of Business School electives overall.
General Education3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must complete 6 UOC of General Education for the Actuarial component of the dual degree however must complete 12 UOC of General Education in the degree overall.
Please note: Students enrolled in programs within the UNSW Business School cannot take General Education courses offered by the UNSW Business School (i.e. GENC code). These restrictions also apply to the following courses:
GENL2021 An Introduction to the Australian Legal System
GENL2032 Cyberspace Law 2.0
General Education3543 - Economics
Students must complete 6 UOC of General Education courses towards the Economics component of the dual degree however must complete 12 UOC overall in the combined degree.
Please note: Students enrolled in programs within the UNSW Business School cannot take General Education courses offered by the UNSW Business School (i.e. GENC code). These restrictions also apply to the following courses:
GENL2021 An Introduction to the Australian Legal System
GENL2032 Cyberspace Law 2.0
Students must have completed 48 UOC before taking any General Education course.
Minimum Faculty UOC Requirement3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must complete 90 UOC of Business School courses within the Actuarial Studies component however must complete 180 UOC of Business School courses across the degree.
Minimum Economics UOC3543 - Economics
Students must complete a minimum of 78 UOC of Economics courses or accepted substitutes of Economics electives.
Maximum Level 1 UOC3543 - Economics
No more than 72 UOC (not including 12 UOC of General Education courses) in Level 1 courses will be counted towards the dual degree.
Minimum Business School UOC3543 - Economics
Students must complete 90 UOC of Business School courses for the Economics component of the double degree.
Students in Actuarial Studies/Economics will complete 36 UOC of Business School electives overall. Students in Commerce/Economics will complete 24-36 UOC of Business School electives (depending on Commerce major) overall.
Students completing combined Commerce/Economics and Actuarial Studies/Economics degrees must complete, at minimum 180 UOC from the Faculty of Business with another 12 UOC to be completed as General Education for a total of 192 UOC for degree award.
Economics Major Requirements
Maximum Level 1 UOC3586 - Actuarial Studies
Level 2 and 3 Maturity Requirements3586 - Actuarial Studies
Students must have completed 24 UOC before taking any Level 2 courses.
Students must have completed 48 UOC before taking any Level 3 courses.
Level 2 and 3 Maturity Requirements3543 - Economics
Students must have completed 24 UOC before taking any Level 2 courses.
Students must have completed 48 UOC before taking any Level 3 courses.
Additional Information
Note that, for some majors, additional study of courses above the minimum stipulated for the dual degree program may be required.
Program Fees
At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following: