
The purpose of Honours in Psychology is to enable students who have performed well at undergraduate level to deepen their knowledge of approaches, perspectives and traditions in psychology and undertake a significant research project. Honours is a means for connecting undergraduate study with supervised independent research by consolidating and extending … For more content click the Read More button below. Students conduct a year-long, 30 UOC major independent research project (completed under the guidance of an academic supervisor), and write a thesis based on the project. In addition, students complete 18 UOC of advanced-level core and elective coursework in both Term 1 and Term 2. The research project may be undertaken in most areas of psychology, such as: psychopathology, behavioural neuroscience, cognitive science, cognition and perception, forensic psychology, and social, personality and developmental psychology. The project culminates in a written thesis, which is assessed independently by two academics (neither of which is the student's supervisor). The coursework requirement includes content that encompasses history, professional ethics, evidence-based practice and advanced coverage of selected contemporary issues in psychology that reflect the expertise and research specialisations of School staff.

Program Structure
48 Units of Credit:

Students must complete 48 UOC as a standalone program.

1. 18 UOC Coursework Courses
2. 30 UOC of Research Thesis Courses

Specialisation Requirements

Students must complete the specialisation below.

Admission Requirements

Entry Requirements

Program Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning
Progression Requirements

Professional Outcomes

Professional Recognition

Recognition of Achievement

University Medal
Honours Classes

Additional Information

How to Apply

External applicants (domestic and international) are required to submit an application for study at UNSW directly to the UNSW Admissions Office. Details regarding admission and a link to the application form can be found at www.unsw.edu.au/honours.

In addition to applicants who are a graduate/graduand of another university, applicants who are a graduate of UNSW after an absence of at least one term must apply for admission directly to the UNSW Admissions Office.

Please note that the School's closing date for applicaions is around mid-November. More information can be found at:

Science Handbook Rules and Editions

Students must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year they commence their studies with the Faculty of Science.

Students who transfer from another UNSW Faculty into Science (for example, from a Bachelor of Arts into a Bachelor of Science) must follow the program rules and requirements in the UNSW Handbook published in the year of their transfer.

Students, who are readmitted to UNSW after a period of unapproved absence or deferment, or after exclusion, must satisfy the program rules in the Handbook published in the year of their readmission. In addition, these students may be subject to restrictions on which courses taken at UNSW may be counted on their return. In some cases, students returning from an unapproved absence may be required to repeat courses. See the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Advanced Standing section below for more details. Students who take approved leave or deferment will follow the Handbook for the year of their original commencement unless otherwise approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs). 

Program Fees

At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following:

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)