Stand Alone Programs
Double Degree Structure240 Units of Credit:
Students must complete 240 UOC.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (168 UOC)
1. 168 UOC plus at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training experience
2. At least 48 UOC Disciplinary Knowledge and Enquiry-based Courses
3. 30-42UOC Introductory Knowledge core courses
4. At least 12 UOC of elective courses
5. The balance of stream to consist of Foundation Disciplinary Knowledge Courses
Bachelor of Science (96 UOC)
1. An approved Bachelor of Science major; and
2. Science elective courses
- 3767 - Engineering (Honours) / Science
- 3707 - Engineering (Honours)
- 3970 - Science
Majors3707 - Engineering (Honours)
Students must complete at least one of the specialisations below.
Majors3970 - Science
Students must complete at least one Science major selected from the list below. Students should declare their major prior to commencing Stage 2 courses.
1. Students in 4076 Science/Education can only choose from the following majors: Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Mathematics for Education, Pathology, Physics, Physiology. All other majors in 3970 are not permitted.
2.Students are not permitted to take the Bioinformatics major BINFB1 when taking the degree in dual award mode with the Bachelor of Engineering (Bioinformatics) program.
Minors3970 - Science
Students may choose to complete an optional minor in one of the following areas, using their Science and/or free electives. Please note that students in 4076 Science Education are NOT permitted to declare a minor.
Science Elective Courses3970 - Science
Students must take at least 12 UOC of the following courses.
Level 3 Maturity Requirements3707 - Engineering (Honours)
Students must have completed 42 UOC before taking any of the following courses.
Level 4 Maturity Requirements3707 - Engineering (Honours)
Students must have completed 102 UOC before taking any of the following courses.
Level 2 Maturity Requirements3970 - Science
Students must have completed 30 UOC before taking any of the following courses.
Level 3 Maturity Requirements3970 - Science
Students must have completed 72 UOC before taking any of the following courses.
Minimum Science UOC3970 - Science
Students must complete a minimum of 96 UOC of the following courses.
Level 1 Science UOC3970 - Science
Students must complete a minimum of 24 UOC of the following courses.
Maximum Level 1 UOC3970 - Science
A maximum of 72 UOC of Level 1 courses can be taken, including any General Education or mainstream Level 1 course taken to fulfil either the General Education or the Free Elective requirement.
Industrial Experience Requirement3707 - Engineering (Honours)
Students must each complete at least 60 days approved industrial training concurrent with enrolment in the program.
Double Counting3970 - Science
Additional Information
All combinations of Engineering program and Science majors are possible within five years of full-time study. However, to complete these combinations, special exceptions are made when undertaking particular Science majors, as indicated below:
Students majoring in Mathematics in the Bachelor of Science will need to replace the second year Mathematics courses in their Engineering program with second year Mathematics courses required for the Mathematics major. For further information regarding this, students should see staff in the School of Mathematics and Statistics or the Science Student Centre, or view this document: Mathematics in BE BSc Programs.
Biology, Ecology, Geography, Earth Science, and Marine and Coastal Science
Students undertaking a major in Biology, Ecology, Geography, Earth Science, or Marine and Coastal Science as part of the Bachelor of Science, will be exempted from completing MATH1041 Statistics for Life and Social Sciences and BEES2041 Data Analysis for Life and Earth Sciences when MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, MATH1231 Mathematics 1B, and a relevant second year statistics course has been completed as part of the Bachelor of Engineering. For further information regarding this, please contact the Science Student Centre.
Students undertaking a major in Physics as part of the Bachelor of Science, may need to replace the second year Mathematics courses in the Bachelor of Engineering with second year Mathematics courses required for the Physical Science major. For further information regarding this, students should contact the School of Physics.
Biotechnology and Neuroscience
Students completing a major in Biotechnology or Neuroscience may need to use their first year Engineering elective to take a course for this major, otherwise, it will require 246 UoC to complete the requirements for the Engineering degree and Science major. This could involve an extra semester of study, extra cost and may have visa implications for international students. Students wishing to major in Biotechnology or Neuroscience should seek advice from the Science Student Centre as soon as they start planning their enrolment.
Students are not permitted to declare a Bioinformatics major in the Bachelor of Science if they are completing the Bioinformatics stream as part of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).
COMP Courses
In all Engineering/Science dual degrees, COMP courses do not count towards the Science component and will not contribute to the minimum 96 UoC of required ‘Science’ courses.
3767 UOC Requirements
Where students complete the requirements for the Bachelor of Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in less than 240 units of credit, the remaining elective courses taken to bring the total to 240 units of credit must be taken from the Faculty of Engineering or the Faculty of Science
Program Fees
At UNSW fees are generally charged at course level and therefore dependent upon individual enrolment and other factors such as student's residency status. For generic information on fees and additional expenses of UNSW programs, click on one of the following: