
This course is designed for students entering university with little or no background in Chemistry. It is an ideal preparatory course for those who need to complete first-year chemistry as part of their degree or major but lack the assumed knowledge for CHEM1A. It is also a valuable and engaging … For more content click the Read More button below. Important Notes: Enrollment in CHEM1001 is not recommended for students who have already achieved a satisfactory performance in HSC Chemistry (or equivalent). However, if you attempted HSC Chemistry in Year 11 but do not feel confident in your chemistry skills, CHEM1001 is a suitable choice.CHEM1001 is an elective only, it does not fulfill the chemistry requirement in any program or major.Students intending to progress to Level II Chemistry must complete CHEM1011/CHEM1021 or CHEM1031/1041 sequentially, or CHEM1811/1821 for engineering students.Students who must complete CHEM1811, 1051 or 1832 as part of their program but wish to take CHEM1001 in T1 will need to complete CHEM1011 in T2 instead of these courses - you should contact the Nucleus for advice and to gain permission from your program authority.Completing CHEM1001 allows you to count this course as a Level 1 course towards the total units of credit (UoC) required for the Science component of your degreeIf you enrolled in a single program outside the Faculty of Science this course can count as a general elective. Course Structure: The theoretical content of CHEM1001 is delivered through a blend of online lessons, workshops, and laboratory sessions. Students can expect approximately 5 contact hours per week. The course assessment structure is competency based and the course utilities the competency grading model.

Conditions for Enrolment

Exclusion: CHEM1011, CHEM1031, CHEM1051, CHEM1811, CHEM1832

Course Attributes

Introductory Course


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

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