Materials Industry Management is a course intended for students with an interest in careers and making an impact within the materials industry. Through a series of engaging lectures, this course provides an overview of key management concepts and practices within the materials industry, including Project Management, Accounting, Career Development, and Marketing.
The Project Management component of the course will cover the stages of a project, including planning, scheduling, personal dynamics, reporting, and stakeholders. Additionally, students will develop a project plan pertinent to the materials industry as part of an assessment of their ability to develop a sound business case.
The Accounting component of the course will provide an overview of financial accounting, including the development and analysis of financial statements and ratio analysis. Additionally, students will learn about financial planning and management accounting.
The Career Development component of the course will provide an overview of self-promotion to gain employment, development of job applications and resumes, goal setting, performance appraisal, and reward structures.
The Marketing component of the course will provide an overview of market analysis and product development. The course will include lectures, including those delivered by guest academics, professionals and industry representatives, and tutorial style sessions covering the key concepts of course components and related assessments.
Professional ethics will be an additional component of the course and will provide an overview of workplace expectations in this regard, and highlight the importance of ensuring appropriate behavior in the workplace.