
Public Interest Litigation: Origins and Strategies will examine how to realise human rights and advance social justice through the practice of law. The course will trace the emergence of the public interest litigation (PIL) movement by reference to the use of law in shaping social policy in different jurisdictions, including … For more content click the Read More button below. The courses 'Public Interest Litigation: Origins and strategies' and 'Legal aid and global justice lawyering: Issues in Practice’ are complementary courses and interested students are encouraged to enrol in both. Origins and history of the public interest law movementThe emergence of PIL in different jurisdictions eg India, America, South Africa, Australia, Canada and South AmericaWorking with barriers to PIL eg standing, limited resources and risks of costs orders, judicial systemsPIL strategies (illustrated by reference to case-studies) eg test-case litigation, class actions/representative proceedings, amicus curiae interventions, administrative reviewLitigating Bills of Rights (USA, Canada, SA and the UK Human Rights Act) - litigating civil/political and economic, social and cultural rightsInvoking international mechanisms and procedures eg Optional ProtocolsSecuring the public interest via alternatives to litigation eg arbitration, mediationSupplementing PIL eg via policy interventions, developing parallel campaigns, working with the mediaWorking with communities and public interest clients - ethical and political considerations

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: Completion of 78 UOC in LAWS courses.

Course Attributes

Offered irregularly or alternate years


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)