
Urbanisation is one of the most profound developments in human history.  The Industrial Revolution precipitated the mass movement of populations from rural to urban areas, presenting governments and communities with the challenge of fitting large numbers of people on limited land without compromising safety, health and happiness. This course will … For more content click the Read More button below. Main Topics Urbanisation and the growth of citiesSydney - its planning history and futureThe role of private property law in commercial and residential developmentStrata and community titleEco-communities and other utopiasUrban regenerationMega-cities of the developing world

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: Completion of 78 UOC in LAWS courses including Land Law (LAWS2383).

Course Attributes

Offered irregularly or alternate years


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)

Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)