
This course is designed for students with basic knowledge of French equivalent to two terms/semesters of studying the language at university level. With a communicative and task-based approach to foreign language learning, you will learn to communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information … For more content click the Read More button below. Please note, students who have not successfully completed ARTS1481 but who have had previous experience with the French language (either as a heritage language or previous instruction) must do the placement questionnaire available at https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/hal/study-us/resources-support/language-placements. You will not be permitted to enrol in a language course that is too easy for you. If this occurs, you will be requested to change your enrolment.

Conditions for Enrolment

Prerequisite: ARTS1481 or language placement approval

Course Attributes

General Education


Multimodal - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)