
This 6UOC course is an independent study course where students are required to complete set readings and activities on an advanced topic in aviation. The concept of an advanced topic is that it builds on content that in part of the undergraduate aviation science major at UNSW Canberra. Students will … For more content click the Read More button below. Potential special or advanced topics in aviation include:  Technology:  Propulsion and Associated Systems Sustainable Aviation  RPAS/UAS  Aviation:  Airport Design Airline Operations Air Cargo  Aviation Security  Business:  Aviation Economics Airline/Airport Marketing Tourism  Safety:  Aviation Risk Management Advances in Aviation Psychology  Aviation and Space Medicine  In principle many of the undergraduate only introduced topics over a week or two of content, when more than one book has been written on that topic. As such, almost any suitable aviation text can be utilised, and the final choice of the topic will be made in consultation with the supervisor and/or course convenor. 


In-person - Standard (usually weekly or fortnightly)


Pre-2019 Handbook Editions

Access past handbook editions (2018 and prior)